I am very angry because I hear people moaning about how little money they have. These people in the main have massive overdrafts and they constantly worry about how much they are in debt without taking appropriate action to control their finances. They live off their parents, have a full loan, but yet their parents pay everything, accommodation and tutition. I was speaking to someone in my seminar the other day and she says that she is thinking about dropping out of university because of the debt that she is facing and she says she can't afford anything and that her parents refuse to give her anymore money. I suggested that she should get a job like me, but she said she worked during the summer and that money has all been spent, but she doesn't want to get a job when she is studying. It does my head in. I worked 20-47 hours a week over the summer and now I work 12-20 hours a week. I pay my own accommodation, my own fees and I only get a tiny tutition fee grant from the government. I have to fund my own living costs from my wages, which sometimes only amount to £150 for the entire month. I don't have an overdraft and I have expensive books to buy, I can still go out (although I have to watch my spending) My parents help me WHEN I AM ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE! but this is in the form of food or small amounts of money. I also feel it would be unfair for my parents to totally fund me and I appreciate the help they do give me because I know it is hard for them to afford it. If I can do it, you can do it.