The Student Room Group
Reply 1
have you got a HC1 certificate? If so then just show that when you book your eye test or take it with you on the actual test. If not then you can get one, either from the optician, dentist etc or just google HC1 form and ask them to send you 1. It'll take about a week or so to arrive (maybe longer cos of the stoopid postal strikes:mad: ). You have to give your financial details etc and if you qualify then they'll send you a certificate. This certificate allows you free eye tests, dental treatment and prescriptions.
have you got a HC1 certificate? If so then just show that when you book your eye test or take it with you on the actual test. If not then you can get one, either from the optician, dentist etc or just google HC1 form and ask them to send you 1. It'll take about a week or so to arrive (maybe longer cos of the stoopid postal strikes:mad: ). You have to give your financial details etc and if you qualify then they'll send you a certificate. This certificate allows you free eye tests, dental treatment and prescriptions.


However, I don't think in every case you get free eye tests, etc. In some cases I think you can have them at a reduced rate...

Also, to the op, if you live in halls/student housing, then you're allowed to base the information which you give on your current living circumstances. This doesn't take into account your parent/parents earnings, meaning that you're more than likely to qualify, unless you earn obscence amounts of money :smile:
Reply 3
Does your Uni run an Optometry course? Mine does, and all students are entitled to free eye tests. I'd ask around if I were you.

EDIT: I see youre at Cardiff too. Check your uni email, I got one about it.
Reply 4
i live with my parents and didn't have to declare their income information, just mine and my partners.