The Student Room Group


Aaaaah! Thats how I feel - frustrated at myself. Or rather, frustrated about my constant, irrational changes in mood and attitude towards life.

Basically, the problem is that I either feel REALLY determined to study hard, party hard, make the most of my time...or I feel absolutely despondent and ready to drop it all.

I'm either high or low. No in-between. And these changes a re frequent; several times a week.

I've just started first year at uni - its very challenging, and thats a positive when I feel good...but when I feel down, its as though I'll never cope.

Several times I have been close to dropping out...but I know that when I'm in a good mood, I would regret giving up!

I feel as though I'm two very different people sometimes!

Can anybody help me?? Is anyone like me/has friends like me?

Thank you in advance!
Reply 1
Right here. It's not the workload though, it's just not knowing my place anymore and trying to control something far bigger than myself. An hour ago I was alright.
Reply 2
90% of people at uni will get them highs and lows! and a lot of them have them now! youve bin at uni a bit now, and that 'honeymoon' period is over... dont worry about 'feeling' 'low' - trust me - wont be long till your smiling and on another high:smile:
Don't know if I can help but at the moment I have no idea where I am going in life or what I want to do after Uni.