The Student Room Group

dump him or stick with him?

hey, basically me and my boyfriend are going through a rough patch at the moment and we have been argueing lots. in th past 2 weeks he has split up with me and got back with me 3 times. i feel messed around. basically we have been argueing because he is a terrible flirt and he has been flirting with girls, touching them and kissing them on the cheek and stuff like that. now everytime i tell him how i feel, that it makes me feel uncomfortable and uspet and unloved and useless like im not making him feel good enough, he gets mad at me and tells me im stopping him from talking to his friends and it's meaningless flirting. we have been 'together' for almost a year and i think there shouldnt be any flirting at i right?
the question i wanna ask is 'is he worth getting back with if he is just going to keep on flirting with other girls and keep doing this to me and making me upset etc?????????
some advice would be great

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I wouldn't bother with him, the fact he keeps flirting outrageously with other girls suggests he don't care that much about the relationship.
Reply 2
you see every time i try and talk to him he say 'oh it's just meaningless flirting' and 'oh it doesnt matter'
to me it matters because it hurts me and he doesnt see that
Well that's what they all say, but in reality it does hurt people. Surely if he cared about you that much he wouldn't do it. He can't just have his cake and eat it.
Reply 4
you see every time i try and talk to him he say 'oh it's just meaningless flirting' and 'oh it doesnt matter'
to me it matters because it hurts me and he doesnt see that

The relationship is dead.
The thing is you can forgive him but he will continue to walk all over you, not just that everytime you forgive him he will just think he can do it to you over and over again.

Or you can stand up to the git and tell him you have had enough. The bottom line is, you deserve a lot better.
Reply 6
that thing is i love him so much and i want to forgive him but a part of me just says that enough you know?
that thing is i love him so much and i want to forgive him but a part of me just says that enough you know?

Naturally you love him and hope that he will change his ways, but sadly guys like him will not change.

Yes there is a time where enough is enough, think that is the case here, you're still young and there is plenty of time to meet that right guy.
Enough is enough. believe, no one deserves what you're going through, even if they love the other person.
Reply 9
im not sure how easy this is going to be for me
im not sure how easy this is going to be for me

Sometimes it is best to be honest and tell him you cannot put up with his behaviour no longer and tell him it's over. He may not care or he may plead that he will change, but as we said I think he's had one chance too many.
Reply 11
he has and worst of all he makes me feel guilty for telling him about it and talking to him about it
like im controlling him and stopping him from spending time with his mates
im not sure how easy this is going to be for me

it wont be, but it gets better. trust me.
Reply 13
Reply 14
im not sure how easy this is going to be for me

It'll be easy for me. Chuck us his msn address and i'll kill that relatonship in about 5 seconds flat.
Reply 15
It'll be easy for me. Chuck us his msn address and i'll kill that relatonship in about 5 seconds flat.

Haha thank you but i dont think that would be the best of ways to do it!!

there really isnt any hope is there?
Reply 16
Not really no... So may as well give me some entertainment from it :wink:

Infact, just found this from one of my replies to another post:

Re: Ways to dump
Do it by text.... From one of those free texting websites... Infact, get a mate to do
it for you by text from one of those free texting websites. Perfect way to end a relationship
Reply 17
the thing is thats not what i want
but it's going to be better than suffering it everysingle time isnt it?!
Reply 18
Who are you asking - me or yourself?

I think you know the answer.
Reply 19
i do but it's the hardest decision to make