How sensitive are the smoke alarms in the Cwrt Mawr dorm rooms? Sometimes I really want to smoke out of the window when it's late. I mean, if I sit on the ledge and physically put my head out, surely they wont detect that? Do the alarms go off if you cover them temporarily?
I really don't want to set the fire alarms off, especially after last night.. 2:30am and the entire block had to get up because someone can't even cook stir fry. :/
I did this on a biology trip, try putting a sock over the smoke detector(im pretty confident it wont go off). In my A2 chemistry class the smoke detectors are covered with latex gloves.
I really don't want to set the fire alarms off, especially after last night.. 2:30am and the entire block had to get up because someone can't even cook stir fry. :/
Which block are you in? I'm in G block Cwrt Mawr and the block next to me had their fire alarm set off last night, when I asked someone said it was because someone couldnt cook properly too.
I've also seen someone set off their entire block because they were smoking (they chucked the fag out the window afterwards) but I do know for a fact that if you cover the smoke alarms with a plastic bag or similar and put a towel at the bottom of your door to block the opening the fire alarm doesnt necessarily go off (but i'd never try it, just because I'd be too scared of getting kicked out, also I dont smoke unless it's socially and outside).
My advice would be not to risk it, but if I were a proper smoker I can understand how it would be a pain to go outside every time you wanted a cigarette, especially if you were on the top floor. Also, consider that if you are smoking outside the window, someone might see you and they might be the kind of person who would go straight to the wardens about it.
Smoke detectors work by having a radioactive isotope (Americanium or something, cant remember) and a radioactive sensor within 100ths of a millimetre away from it. If there is smoke in the room then the smoke will stop the path of the radiation, thus stopping the sensor picking it up, this will set off an alarm.
As such, the sensor being 100ths of a millimetre away, if you knock them ever so slightly, they can go off. In our 6th form a frisbee hit the wall 4ft away from one in the top corner of a room, and it set it off.
If you really have to put something over it, be very very delicate in your ministrations, as the slightest knock can set them off, and people can tell if its from real smoke or a knock, so they'll be asking you why you were messing with that smoke alarm.
Luckily it seems my block isn't incompetent enough to set off the alarms in the middle of the night. However, if they did, I'd personally see to it that they are killed for being a moron who can't even stop smoke from developing.
Would the sock actually prevent the alarm from going off, though? I'm not going to leave it on forever, just when I really don't want to go outside when it rains etc.
Would the sock actually prevent the alarm from going off, though? I'm not going to leave it on forever, just when I really don't want to go outside when it rains etc.
Depends if the smoke can get through it to set it off.
Our kitchen smoke/heal detector is a right pain. For some reason, we've only got a small window in our kitchen, so when more than 1 person is cooking at the same time, the entire place turns into a sauna and the damn thing goes off constantly. You're trying to waft the detector while cooking and serving food.
For light smoke/steam I'd imagine the sock would stop it, for steam atleast I'd imagine the sock would just get wet from the moisture. Of course the sock itself will also probably set off the fire alarm when you knock it so
Agree with Crisps, dont do anything with your fire alarm. Yes the chances of something setting of fire is slim to NONE, but if I knew someone in my house was covering smoke alarms with things just so they can feed their addiction I would be seriously pissed off.
If you want to smoke, make the effort and go outside. Or alternatively, quit!
I was told someone set off the alarms in Cwrt Mawr last year by smoking and got charged well over £200 for smoking in halls/getting the fire service out for a false call.
And yes, socks will most likely stop it, but make sure you know a warden isn't going to suddenly appear. Put them on the ones in our corridor in Penbryn last year because something got burnt in the kitchen, warden came down and were lucky not to get a formal warning/fine for tampering with fire equipment!
And they were particularly sensitive, and yes, spraying deodrant too close to the detector will set them off!!
We have a similar alarm in town this year, luckily we can switch it off ourselves though!
If you ever want to get your own back on someone who you know is setting off the alarms in your block, set off their alarm with deodorant then run away
If you ever want to get your own back on someone who you know is setting off the alarms in your block, set off their alarm with deodorant then run away