The Student Room Group

Smokers cough

Gave up smoking the other day and had the worse headaches and smokers cough ever! Never use to cough when i smoked but now i cant stop!! :frown: Just wondering :

1) Has anyone else experienced really bad coughing once they have quit smoking?

2) If yes, how long does it last for? - Some people have told me it could go on for 2-4 weeks (i feel like dying after day 4 now)

3) Is there anything i can buy/take to make it better/easier?
How much did you used to smoke??

Sounds like your body isn't all that used to breathing normal air for long periods of time, I'd treat it the way you treat any other cough and ride through it. What's 4 weeks with a cough when you have a lifetime of being smoke free afterwards?? :biggrin:
Reply 2
I'd give NHS Direct a call on 0845 46 47 if you're concerned. :smile:
Reply 3
good on you for quiting.

Yeah the cough is bad for the first couple of weeks. Not much you can do really, drinking water may help.
Just notice how your wallet is that much bigger now you don't smoke!
Reply 4
well done on quitting

i quit 11 days ago and have experienced similar coughing but not as violent it seems. i think it has something to do with your body taking the oportunity to clean itself. some people cough up black, tar -saturated phlegm. its just all the junk leaving your body