The Student Room Group

Another annoying guy thread!

Ok so theres this guy (hes my friends older brother and so lives with him and some of my other mates) and i have liked him for ages, and recently lots of people have been saying that he likes me. Were both quite shy but hes a few years older than me so i always assumed that he was more confident than me. Anyway weve kind of been flirting a little bit and last night he offered to walk me home. Which is strange as i live all of 8 doors away from him. I finally though that something was going to happen. But nothing, seriosly just a hug goodbye and nothing else.
Does he like me and chickend out, or was he going to tell me that he didnt like me and chickend out or what?? Answers needed!
Reply 1
Sounds like a good sign. :wink:
Keep flirting, he probably just wants to be as sure about how you feel about him, like you want to be sure how he feels about you.
Yeah, flirt flirt flirt, get the message across that you DO want in his pants, that'll give him the confidence to get the ball rolling. He just needs reassurance, bless him!! :biggrin:
Reply 3
Ask him for a drink, or you know to go elsewhere together if you prefer but a drink is always good - relaxed and casual, with potential to chat.

Seriously all of my advice on this forum appears to be "ask him/her if they would like to go for a drink"