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Got caught in the shower by cousin sister!!! - Weird nasty situation

Basically i was having a shower today, im male, 17 if that matters, and basically we dont lock our bathroom door as its a toilet and shower so that whoever wants to use the toilet can come in and use it, but obviously as its family they wont peek in. Because the shower is powerful, you cant hear if someone is in or not, so anyway I was showering and you know when you can sense someones watching you or something, i suddenly see my cousin sister who is 20 wasnt meant to be in the house gawking at me sticking her head inside the curtains, and she was clearly staring at my jewels and giving like a grin, and to make the situation worse i kind of tried to hide my thing and it was getting all hard, i dont know why the hell this happend, i dont have any feelings for her, but yes i find her quite attractive, it was so weird, and she was like 'Looks like your happy to see me' in a patronising voice and then i told her to get out all angrily. Then when i was changed i went to her and said what the hell was that all about, she said don't worry hun, i know your growing up, ask me if you need any advice and she smiled weirdly, and then she pat me on my thigh, where she knew my thing was. And ive been feeling so weird ever since, its sorta disgusting as i dont fancy her or anything, she is my cousin after all, but yeah she is attractive, and shes seen me all bare which I cant get out of my head, its like a tiwsted nightmare. :s-smilie:

What should i do to make the situation normal again, because its far from normal? We used to be quite close and friendly but then she went off to uni, but not that bloody close.

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Reply 1
what is a cousin sister?
I think she just took advantage of you. :s-smilie: You must tell her that you don't fancy her, and that she musn't get the wrong impression. Also make it clear that you felt very uncomfortable and it was wrong of her to do that.
She's obviously seen your um errection and believes you have a thing for her. :confused: I don't really know what to say...

I admit I couldn't stop laughing after reading this thread.
Reply 4
By cousin's sister do you mean....... your cousin?
Reply 5
I think he just means female cousin.
Reply 6
He could mean a cousin sister as in they share one parent but the other parents are siblings. Eg. one man had a child each with two women who are sisters. That's a pretty weird situation, so probably not what he means.
Reply 7
Cousin sister???
Reply 8
Cousin sister???

I dunno? Maybe sneak in the bathroom while she's taking a shower and take a peak? then you'll be able to get it out of your mind.
I dunno? Maybe sneak in the bathroom while she's taking a shower and take a peak? then you'll be able to get it out of your mind.

I thought that's what lovers do. :confused:
Reply 11
I dunno? Maybe sneak in the bathroom while she's taking a shower and take a peak? then you'll be able to get it out of your mind.

Fair's fair really.
She was out of order and obvisiously is intent on manipultating you!

Ps don't go there!
Reply 13
If your related then thats just weird :s-smilie:

But how did u manage to get hard when she caught you :redface: surely the shock would have made is receed like scared turtle
Reply 14
i can understand you getting all hard n stuff, i have that problem quite badly :s-smilie: but for heavens sake dont try it on with a blood relative!!!
Reply 15
If you don't see her as a family member, you know what to do. If you do see her as a family member, then it shouldn't really matter that she saw you naked.
Reply 16
Someones having a laugh here aint they?!
Reply 17
if she tries to manipulate you, take a pic of her in the shower show it to her and threaten to make tonnes of copies and stick it up on lamp posts and school and stuff like that or just shag her, go for the latter xD
Sounds like she was perving! Have words and tell her it was wrong. Stupid cow, at 20 she should know better! And the thing about "ask me if you need advice" sounds like she wants you to sleep with Steer clear.
Tell an adult and make her feel awkward, and tell her it is Not acceptable behaviour and you will not tolerate this occuring again