I totally understand how your feeling OP. My bf and I have been together for 5 months, and I love him but I also know that he does'nt love me...at least not in the same manner/depth that I love him. He say's that he loves me dearly like a good friend but that he's not 'in love' with me. Which really hurts because I am in love with him. Also, like your bf, mine say's that maybe "in time" he will fall 'in love' with me....but yeah, sometimes it gets me so down I just sit here wondering what am I still doing in this relationship?
I kinda think the question is; should I stay with a bf who clearly is not in love with me (like I am with him) and just break up sometime in the future OR should I break up with him now and just 'hurt' right now and get it over with....
But it is true, we can't make people love us. It's something which we just have no control over. But if we're talking about Lust, well that's a whole other topic lol.