The Student Room Group

Party - choosing between best friend or boyfriend

I'm having a Hallowe'en party and i have asked my housemates whether they would rather have it on Hallowe'en which is the wednesday or the weekend after, they are not bothered and its up to me cos i'm the one with the dilemma. The thing is my best friend is on a teaching placement in London and can only come back at weekends, if its pre-planned. She said if we have the party at the weekend she would like to come. The problem is my boyfriend works evenings at the weekend and can't afford to take the night off. So i (probably the most indecisive person in the world) have to decide whether to have the party on the wednesday and have my boyfriend come or have it at the weekend and have my best friend come. What do i do? Would you as a best friend or a boyfriend be upset if you girlfriend/best friend chose to not have you at their party? Who would you choose?
Reply 1
If they're busy i'm sure they'll understand. It's not as if your purposefully not inviting one!

Personally i wouldn't be upset, maybe annoyed i was missing out but as it is them who are busy it's there own fault.

So who would you rather prefer there? & theres ur answer :smile:

Reply 2
Friends over bf/gf
Reply 3
best friend, there'll be plenty of chances to make it up to the bf if your creative enough:biggrin:. Besides sounds like its a she - so he's less likely to get jealous....
or alternatively have 2 smaller parties, with common friends of you and your boyfriend, then other party with old school friends and your friend coming from london... ok its twice as much organisation but if its only half the people it shouldn't make too much difference, but i'm sure whicever one doesn't come because of the day its planned for will be fine with it as its never easy to please everyone.
how late does your bf work? couldnt he come along after?

Reply 6
I would go for having it at the weekend so that your friend can come. You seem to be saying that she is in london all week and therefore you are probably not seeing her as much as you are seeing your boyfriend and this will be a nice chance to catch up. Hopefully your boyfriend will understand.
Well for guys it'd be "bros before hoes", so I guess for girls it'd be "sisters before misters"?
flip a coin. let the gods decide.
Reply 9
Do it when you would prefer and make up an excuse as to why you can only have it one of those days, whichever one you choose.
Otherwise, go with the boyfriend but still make up an excuse.
id be really annoyed if my boyfriend took his best friends instead of me..
Reply 11
Well for guys it'd be "bros before hoes", so I guess for girls it'd be "sisters before misters"?

Chicks before Dicks*