The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Maybe not "confront" but explain to him that you're angry and ask why he did it. Maybe he's jelous???
Reply 2
So i know this dude at uni and on a drunken night out i told him how i feel about this girl (i.e. That we were getting 'jiggy with it' but i didn't want anything more) and now he has totally gone to the girl and told her my feelings when i told him in CONFIDENCE.

I'm all up for confronting him and having a go, what do you think?

I'd deffinitely ask him why he did it, I mean sure you were drunk, but that's no excuse to go telling her all your feelings for her and messing everthing up for you!
Reply 3
maybe he thought he was doing you a favour and trying to set something up between you and her?

maybe he thought you were telling him to get him to do something. did you make sure he knew you were telling him this in confidence.