The Student Room Group
Students on campus at the University of Warwick
University of Warwick

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Reply 1
Students on campus at the University of Warwick
University of Warwick
Reply 2
I sent you a PM mate!
hey, i am US student doing comp sci, talk to me on AIM: nextgenneo or here. see u in sept
Reply 4
Well that's 3 people.. anyone know how many places the course had to offer?

Random question time..

Interests? Both to do with computing and outside of computing.

Experience/knowledge base?

and if you've got time.. or any computer troubles, come along to . It's not my site but i help to moderate some of the forums, and we appreciate any input :smile:
My interests are anything programming. Experience in C++, C#, Java and Flash... those are my best skills, i also know HTML, little ASP and a sprinkling of VBasic...

Outside of computing i am interested in playing chess, addicted to playing cards (texas hold'em ne1 know how the casino in birmingham is?). I also have a 500GB harddrive total so i just download tons of movies games. After Warwick i hope to come back to the states for Grad school then get a job in the game industry.
Reply 6
im a 2nd year student doing comp sci now. If you want to talk to me regarding any of the modules etc then add me on msn- [email protected] or pm me.

Java and C skills WILL help you, especially java as you do that for 2 modules in your first year, apart from that I hope you enjoy your first year as much as i did.
Reply 7
Not sure how much help it'll be but I'm just going into second year on Computer Systems Engineering. Had quite a few modules in Computer Science though so if you've got any questions, just ask!
Jenn xx
Reply 8
Well on the computer side I am into both the hardware and software, as I build my own computers and set them up, as well as help people fixing problems etc. I also run my own site at (any new members would be appreciated) and I know a bit of HTML and Visual Basic. I am also a fairly good gamer in UT and CS

Outside PCs I like chess, badminton, swimming, cycling, watching TV, guzzling beer etc!!!
Reply 9
Not sure how much help it'll be but I'm just going into second year on Computer Systems Engineering. Had quite a few modules in Computer Science though so if you've got any questions, just ask!
Jenn xx

Did you know any Java before you started the course?

If so, did you find it advantageous and for how long?

If not, did you feel at a disadvantage?
Reply 10
Did you know any Java before you started the course?

If so, did you find it advantageous and for how long?

If not, did you feel at a disadvantage?

Didn't know any Java before I started. In fact, I'd done a little bit of Basic (when I was 5 - literally!) and a bit of VB at school, which I hated, along with HTML (if you can really call that programming) which I'd enjoyed. I thought I was going to hate the programming - one of the reasons I didn't go for straight Comp Sci in fact - but I really enjoyed it. I didn't feel at a disadvantage at all. You will all be doing CS118 - Programming for Computer Scientists (with the legendary Stephen Jarvis - wait til you get to program flow and errors!) which is a great course and assumes basically no previous knowledge of programming. It's got a good accompanying text book as well so you shouldn't have too much difficulty picking it up if you've never done it before. And if you have programmed before, there's a bit of scope in the coursework to show off your skills.
There's a few other bits of programming in the course too - Bash scripting and Perl (optional) for the UNIX module, bit of C for some of your hardware labs, and a bit of assembly language. Any programming experience will probably be a help but I don't think it's going to put you at a huge disadvantage if you've never done any.
Jenn xx
Reply 11
Thanks so much, especially for the speedy reply!

Well that's a great load off my mind. I have dabbled in VB at school, did my A-level project in ASP using some SQL, and im gonna look at a little bit of java before i go, but at least i dont have to feel like i need to learn the whole book!

Thanks again!
Reply 12
comp sci wid buisness...donno if it counts..!
Reply 13
so wat lang is it that they teach us?
Reply 14
You will learn Java as the main language but you'll also do bits of C (mainly for hardware labs), bash scripts, sed, awk, little bit of assembly language and SML (if you do functional programming - I think it's compulsory for Comp Sci but I'm not sure). You can also do a bit of Perl (or Python or similar) for one of your pieces of coursework. Don't think I've left anything out...
Jenn xx
Reply 15
I'm starting Comp Sci at Warwick this sept...

I've done quite a bit of PHP and C# programming but no Java, C/C++ though I'm pretty sure the course eases you into programming gently (no previous exp assumed).

message me - MSN mega[n0spam][email protected]


Reply 16
looks like i'll be part of the comp sci community :smile:

at school, we skimmed some vb, java, html, but the course there was more like a luxury subject (and a bit easy!)

hopefully here i can learn more and be shocked how much harder it'll be, haha!

Im doing comp sci as well. Where's everybody staying as well, im in arthur vick.
Reply 18
I am in Rootes A-I.. wouldnt mind finding out if there are any other Comp Sci people living there.
Reply 19
Ohhh yet to post on this thread....

Studying Comp Sci in September (kinda implied by the post :rolleyes: ). Random programming I have experience of includes PHP, ASP, Delphi, SQL, Perl, Python,VB :rolleyes: and C. I have a reasonable grasp of C++ which I'm told should help with the Java in the course. I've done little with Java except skim it for my A2 project. :redface:

Ohh personal stuff.....Ermmmm......have a job(s) assembling computers (of the gaming variety) as well as being a lab tech at Vision Express. I like gaming but I really am quite poor at anything other than Warcraft 3 or C&C (AWFUL at CS). No idea where I'm living yet :rolleyes: !!! Pastimes include shopping, drinking, snooker and machine code programming (Sinclair Z80 :redface: ). Can't really think of much else..... :biggrin: