The Student Room Group
Hi, I like you, so how about it?
Reply 2
"so how about it" :p: it kinda puts pressure on them, don't you think?
I know, I was kidding.

What do you mean by 'Allegedly it isn't 'right' to spill everything at once, etc.'

I don't see anything wrong with just talking to them and telling them. Its a difficult thing to do though. The thing you've got to think about is what would happen if they didn't feel the same way? Would it change things between you as friends? And is that a risk worth taking?
Reply 4
Yup, I did that once, didn't really talk to them for a month... now we're kinda friends again.

What I mean is that it's a bit freaky to have somebody tell you that they like you in a big regurgitated fashion.
Reply 5
"Hi. You're hot. Let's ****."
I'm in sort of a similar situation. I live with a few girls, and guys. One of the girls I really like, I think she has a thing for me to. But if we hook up and it goes sour, I'm left hanging, and I'd see her everyday for the next year or so. What should I do, and how should I let her know I like her, without saying it?
Reply 7
To Mr anonymous 2, make eye contact a lot. Smile at her. Do the whole "accidental contact" thing and see how she reacts. If she is obviously uncomfortable stop, no harm done. If she reciprocates you're in there!

To the OP well, I wouldn't to be honest. I've never thought it a good idea to ask out friends. There's too much to lose. If you reckon its worth the gamble just ask her out, "do you feel like going for a drink/meal etc". Chances are how nervous you are will tell her you don't mean just as friends!
Reply 8
Never ever say anything like "I really like you" etc until you're going out. Even if they do like you back it puts a lot of pressure on things.

Best to just go for a drink, talk, touch, kiss....and well you know how it goes.