The Student Room Group


Do you know any antihistamine, that you can buy from the counter from pharmacies, or at least something like Boots or Tesco pharmacy? I need something for specifically if possible ( without prescription as GP isn't open tomorrow, and want to get it tomorrow If I can ) for bug bites?

I think a bug bitten me within the past few days and I'm coming up in all sorts of hives just around the upper arm. My room is remotely clean. Isn't much mess apart from one or two rubbish on the floor, which I plan on to vaccume tomorrow morning but otherwise it is generally clean.

Thanks for all your help in advance,
Reply 1
You can get branded ones like Piriton and Clarityn, although they'll be really expensive. Have a look for those (or ask), and then see if you can find any unbranded equivalents. If you go to a pharmacy, ask if they have a generic version
Reply 2
Boots do generic versions of Clarityn and Piriton (they contain the same active ingredients). However, I always find that Piriton makes me really sleepy, so I'd see if you can get something more like Clarityn.
Reply 3
do you leave your bedroom window open on a night?
Reply 4
tescos do basic anti-histamine tablets - in the form of hayfever tablets but they work for all sorts of allergic reactions (though you can't take them if pregnant).
Also, tescos will do a cream for bites, or one to ease itching which could help :smile:
Boots do an antihistimine cream. That's what I was recommended for an allergic reaction to a bite I had the other day.
Reply 6
Most local pharmacies do a cheap one. Back at home it costs me about £1.20.
Most local pharmacies do a cheap one. Back at home it costs me about £1.20.

Mine cost £4...I feel ripped off!
Reply 8
I feel ripped off too! I'm having to buy Piriton at uni and its so expensive!!