The Student Room Group

Toys R Us interview...

I have been offered an interview on wednesday for my local Toys R Us.

Anybody else have any experience with this? She said I could be there for 2 hours so I smell group exercises (which I dont particularly like).

Anyone have any experience with toys r us?

And also, what on earth do I wear. Obviously you have to be smart and presentable - but I dont have to go in a full blown suit do i?

Would a casual shirt and smart trousers be any good?


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I think a casual shirt (not t-shirt though) and smart trousers will be fine. you dont want to be wearing a tie and shining shoes.. too much. :p:

I've never had any experience with Toys R Us.. although it sounds like an awesome job :biggrin: .. but those group activities are fairly standard now within big companies. I had a 2 and a half hour interview at Asda once - and it was group activities.. showing team skills, leadership skills and all that. I don't think there is anything you can really do to prepare for them.. just turn up and hate it with everyone else. No-one likes those team building 'getting to know you' exercises.

Good Luck with your interview.
Reply 2
Thanks for the advice.

I am I right in saying that theres a group task AND also a 1 to 1 inteview despite wether they think your good enough ont he group excersise or not?

Hehe, well I bet they have me stacking shelves since im a school leaver. I did say I have advanced computing knowledge so I'm hoping they put me on sales in the console/computer area - although I doubt it for some reason.

I don't really know, it's different where ever you go.

When I went for my interview - there was no one on one interview, but if they have said there will be then that will be your chance to remind them of your computer skills and such. Hopefully get yourself away from stacking those shelves.
Reply 4
Ive just found some info from someone else ont he internet:

ust to keep you all informed the interview went well this morning.

I arrived a little bit early so had a scout around the store before going to the front desk and finding out where to go. The interview began with 6 of us and we were paired into groups and had to find out as much as possible about your partner and then deliver this back to the group. My partner was rather shy which was an invite for me to dominate this part of the interview where I began to ask all the questions and hopefully made a good impression to the interviewer than I was confident and not too shy. After this we had to design a poster for Toys R Us at Christmas and then choose parts of everyones poster to make one final big poster. My posted was basically a Toys R Us banner at the top, a xmas tree all decorated and all the other things you would relate to xmas but no presents under the tree which was surrounded by children with sad faces. I then wrote underneath "Dont dissapoints your kids this xmas, shop at Toys R Us". Which went down well and ended up on the final poster. After this we were given a basic skills test which I found rather easy and then were called into a room and asked the usual questions of why I wanted to work at Toys R Us, etc etc. I feel I handled these all quite well and they said they couldnt tell me if I had the job or not but I would hear back from them in a couple of days.

I will keep you all updated.

Its the getting to know you bit which I hate - I dont tihnk they grasp the concept that we are 16 year olds who just want the damn job for the money.

This guy also said that after they said could you do 24 hours a week. Im at college, and the reccommended is 12 and I want to stick to that. Not sure what they'llt think to that though.
Well at least that gives you an idea of what you got to look forward to. None of it sounds too bad. In fact it sounds like one of the more enjoyable interviews you could attend. :p:

As for the hours. You just tell them what you can do, there is no point lying to them and telling them you can do 24 hours; because you'll just end up letting them down.
The whole getting to know you thing is a pain, but they do that alot now, colleges, uni's, job interviews, team building and all that.. I hate it too - but its just a small part of the interview.. just try your best to make a good confident impression on the interviewers. Just try to not dominate the conversation like this person did.. I wouldnt imagine they'd look too favourably on that either.
Reply 6
And also I can rob his toys r us poster idea if thats what we do :p:

Im rubbish at drawing though - best I can do is stick men!
Still. Its not really a quality they're looking for in their employees . Art that is.

Good Luck with your interview. Let me know how it goes. :biggrin:
Reply 8
Just arrived back from the interview!

It went really well - it's almost as if I have found out im actually a confident person and not a quiet one!

There were several satges. There were about 6 of us in a room with a desk with the store manager in front. First thing we did was introduce yourself to your partner (mine was an experienced 30 year old - the others look less than 20). Then they introduced themselves to you. Then you have to introduce your partner to the whole group - explaining about them, their history and a "funny" moment in their life.

After that the store manager chats about what they expect, the different departments and how it all works.

Then you are each given a different toy and you are given a couple of minutes to look at it then you have to advertise this product for 1 minute in front of the group (it wasn't too hard, just pick out its particular audience and say something suitable).

After that, you are shown a poster advertising a summer compeition for staff - whereby the best toys r us store in the country wins a £1000 for a staff day out. So you are put in a group of 3 an then you have to make your own poster for this. Im rubbish at during, but fortunatly someone in my group was good so I came up with all the ideas and he implemented them. The other person in my group was quite shy (didn't say much. Apparently if your quiet they put you in a suitable roll such as in the warehouse).

After that you present your poster for about a minute then you are sent somewhere else to wait to be called in individually.

When I was called in the assistant store manager said she "really wanted me" and said I would be very suitable for the multimedia section (so I might actually work in the part I wanted!).

After that she said I would be called at 4pm today to discuss shifts and final details. Then I would go to induction this sunday.

It went well!

yay. go you :biggrin: so does that mean you have the job? or are you still waiting to hear?
Reply 10
Yep. I now have the job in the multimedia section. I have to go to induction on Sunday for paper work etc. The pay is £4.05 for temp christmas employees (thats me) which rises to £4.35 if they want you permanent.

I don't know if they will have me shelf stacking or advising - I guess I will find out on induction.

The one on one part of the interview played no/little part in the job. No questions other than when can you start, what department would you like to work in and what hours do you want were mentioned. However, this may have ben different for others - as those who went in before me appeared to take much longer than me (I was in and out).

They have also only given me 8 hours a week. Saturday 10am-2pm and Thurday 6pm-10pm. Thats fine by me - especially since its only christmas temp and its my first ever job. I have been told I will be able to do overtime at some points too for a little extra cash.


BTW I forogt to say that there is also a physcometric test and a (easy) maths test.
Reply 11
I think I might apply for a christmas temp job.. i always imagined thought that toys r us at christmas would be similar to hell on earth! You explained the interview well.. so i am biggin up your post :biggrin:
Reply 12
Christmas time in there is rough. I went in to see a mate of mine who worked there (she was on the tills) and it was non stop for about 2 hours. Any job is good though.
I worked there over Christmas last year, it was very busy and quite hard work, but none the less I found it enjoyable. =]
I have an interview on Thursday, she said it will last about 1 and a half hours so I'm assuming its a group interview :s Really excited though as this is the first response I've got from a whole load of applications, and especially as it is my last day at work is tomorrow so it would be great if I get the job :smile:

I prefer it when it is bsy as time goes quicker and you're so focused on doing something you don't end up 'clock-watching'!
I hear the pay is totally ******, are you aware of this?
Reply 16
I hear the pay is totally ******, are you aware of this?

Its not great. I don't work their anymore - but when I was 16 i got payed £4.10.
Well at the moment I am on minumum wage which is £4.60 so I'm not expecting anything above that, if I do it will be a shock! I just really need a change from what I'm doing at the moment (working in a card shop) and also it's open late so I can work after uni.
Reply 18

I'm really pleased that you got the job... congrats!!

I dont know if this is really relevant but i had a group interview for toys r us last thursday, i was successful in it and 4 out of the 12 of us there got told to stay behind. The guy in charge of hiring asked us if we were available for a one on one interview over the weekend and i said yes. he then dug out my application form (which ha both my mobile number and e-mail address on it) and said he wud be in touch, i then said did he want my referees tel numbers and he said no no, just bring them with you on the weekend.

Well, the weekend has now gone and i heard nothing, how typical. I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through/experienced anything similar. i feel very let down and am sick of being lied to by companies, it is just not on to get peoples hopes up, especially in this current job climate.

Sorry for butting in on your topic but it just got me thinking...
So To Get The Job You Have To Be Called Back After You Have Had The Group Interview To Have A Chnace Of Getting The Job