The Student Room Group

Organising work - folders?

Soooooooo, all you 6th formers out there! For those of ye that use folders - how do ye organise ye work?

I already use subject dividers and all that kinda stuff!

But like say if ye use more than one piece of paper in a lesson do ye put each piece in a new plastic wallet or de ye keep all the work from one lesson together (e.g. the first one in front and the rest of the notes from that lesson in the same wallet behind the first one)

Judt wondering 'cause i know alotta people around here are really good at organisation - and i'm one of them people who isn't so just looking for some tips:p:
Reply 1
I put the date I did the notes on them - normally i just number the pages in the order i did them too. That way I can see what Iv written and how it all fits together.
Plus - i don't use plastic wallets; too complicated - i simply hole punch the lined paper i use, or the lined paper is usulaly already filed, waiting to be written on.
Reply 2
I put the date I did the notes on them - normally i just number the pages in the order i did them too. That way I can see what Iv written and how it all fits together.
Plus - i don't use plastic wallets; too complicated - i simply hole punch the lined paper i use, or the lined paper is usulaly already filed, waiting to be written on.

Ahhhhhh now that seems a good idea - dating the work - think i'll try that out!
Well, when I get round to putting the sheets in my master folders, ie at the end of a topic, I just hole punch the paper, if it's not already holepunched, then put them in a logical order, usually the order they're already in in my various other small folders. I use my purple divided file for Bio, with different pockets for each teacher, though I was gonna use that for everything, a purple card folder for economics, that we were given in the 1st lesson, and chem, umm, a rather battered thing that used to have file paper in, though once my sheets are cleared out I'll start using my purple folder for chem too.

As for dating, I date some sheets. But I don't number them, I just keep them in order. But that really only applies to chem, and economics I guess, as in bio we get a big master booklet of notes for each topic which we write notes in, and the odd "Bio Factsheet" and homework sheets. As for maths, we have exercise books-1 for notes, 1 for classwork. Homework we do on file paper. I should really sort that out!
Reply 4
Well, when I get round to putting the sheets in my master folders, ie at the end of a topic, I just hole punch the paper, if it's not already holepunched, then put them in a logical order, usually the order they're already in in my various other small folders. I use my purple divided file for Bio, with different pockets for each teacher, though I was gonna use that for everything, a purple card folder for economics, that we were given in the 1st lesson, and chem, umm, a rather battered thing that used to have file paper in, though once my sheets are cleared out I'll start using my purple folder for chem too.

'Master Folder'.

Just priceless! :biggrin:
Master folder, haha, yeah. I have a big lever-arch file for each subject (excluding maths). Green for bio (well, what else??), Blue for chem (we used to have blue exercise books) and red for economics (the only other colour I have).
Reply 6
i hvae one lever arch file at home for each subject, and a ring binder i carry around with me with all of my work in. When that gets filled up i file everything at home.
I dont put the dates on sheets, as i prefer to divide it up according to parts of the specification, to make it easier to amke sure i have everyting come revision time.
For revision i am going to by coloured notebooks to match my folders and write up all my notes from all the different sources in there, so i have my own home made revision guide to carry around
But for maths i also use a notebook to do all the pracice exercises in as i dont particularly want to file those with all my notes.
Reply 7
I have a lever arch file for each subject, with subject dividers for each module. This makes it a lot easier to keep track of what work I’m doing and so that everything is in order.

I don’t date or number any sheets, although put them in order of chapter per module.
Reply 8
I don't number my sheets, or date them, because we do different topics with different teachers, so I just put the sheets in according to where the topic is on the specification. I'm planning on switching to a notepad though, because these folders are too chunky :frown: And I need plastic wallets as well, otherwise the sheets of paper just get ripped :s-smilie:
Reply 9
I just do my best to actually use folders. For GCSE science i threw away all my notes cuz we had to use folders and i was used to textbooks. Usually i have a folder for each subject and take them with me when i need them and file them in order of date.

I always start the page with the date, that way you can figure out where all your notes and stuff go. It was crucial last year, but this year I'm more organised so I don't really need to know the date to resort my notes.

I have two plastic pockets per folder which I keep un-punched sheets in until they can get punched and clipped into the folder with the rest of my notes, to avoid loosing them.

A different folder for EVERY subject, I tell everyone this when I see them using one for 5 subjects....

Put a divider in between each unit, if you're doing two units at a time between lots of teachers etc.

When you finish a unit, type it up/place each sheet back to back in plastic pockets and put it in a folder of its own. That way at the end of the year you have 3 folders with a divider between EACH topic PER unit; this also sorts out clutter/heaviness as you continue the subject and means that the notes are subjected to less stress than they would be if they were crammed inside a slowly filling folder all year.

It makes revising more efficient because you can focus without distraction of clutter etc on one section at a time, and once you're done with that you can move over the divider. When you finish revising the unit, move onto the next folder.

Dont do this for GSCE/Standard grade, that sort of efficiency isnt needed to be honest.
(edited 12 years ago)

That is the best advice ever!! A few years ago at gcse, I had a full lever arch file of geography notes, and hadnt closed it yet, and it fell of the desk onto the floor, making the floor amass with sheets, and the only thing that saved me was that they were dated.

Ensure different files for different subjects! I even go to the extent of different files for different modules as it enables easy referencing.

I use plastic pockets, maybe not so much for neatness but just because all file paper has a tendency to rip thus chancing that I may lose it. You have to use one per page not one per lesson because otherwise you won't see all your notes.
That is the best advice ever!! A few years ago at gcse, I had a full lever arch file of geography notes, and hadnt closed it yet, and it fell of the desk onto the floor, making the floor amass with sheets, and the only thing that saved me was that they were dated.

During my AS-levels last year, at the school I was at there's this kinda bridge thing that you need to cross to get to sciences which we called the "Causeway". It had a river flowing beneath it but it was solid through the midde, and the water went through a pipe underneath. Anyway, either side of the bank was pretty steep, and completely overgrown.

One day I was walking along with my chemistry folder by my hip, and ALL the papers fell out backwards, fluttering all over this tiny causeway used by hundreds of students in the between-lesson rush, so the bits I DID find had footprints all over them, and the others... still floating about in the grass I guess.

And I didn't have any dates... so that was a bit stressful in placing it back together.

But yeah, two anecdotes on DATE YOUR STUFF should be enough :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Oh yeah and something I used to do a lot - for each piece of paper I used to number them according to which lesson they were from, eg the first lesson where was taught Chapter 1 of Biology would be numbered 1.1, then next lesson 1.2 etc.
i love these threads about stationary ! :p:
im gonna go out and buy my revision notbooks later
Reply 16
I have a thing for plastic wallets. :s-smilie:


My sheets will get ripped without them and if I spill something on my folder then the sheets dont get wet yay!

My sheets will get ripped without them and if I spill something on my folder then the sheets dont get wet yay!

Yep that is not a fun experience, especially walking home in the rain then realising all your ink has smudged hence you are rendered unable to read the notes.

Plastic pockets rule!:wink:
(edited 12 years ago)
Reply 19
I have a folder per lesson, apart from maths/further where its plain ol' exercise books.

At the moment I just stick them in with the ringbinders in a standard thingy, but I think I'm going to redo it all over half-term into either lesson or some sort of revisable order, because otherwise I would just get lost in the pool of notes come summer.