I am living in halls right now and I still don't have any friends.
There's this guy who lives opposite me. I introduced myself when I first saw him and in the kitchen we talked sometimes. I was always nervous when I was talking to him so sometimes I said weird things...
He told me I could come to a society with him and I went although before we went he said I didn't have to come like he didn't want me to go there with him anymore. He wanted to go somewhere else after that and I think he said to me "let's go" but I just stayed there, didn't say anything to him... I don't know why I did that. I liked him a lot and I wanted to talk to him and get to know him better.
Since then it's always been weird meeting him. We don't really smile when we see each other although we do talk sometimes. Maybe he just doesn't feel like smiling? Maybe it has nothing to do with me?
I would like to spend some time with him and be friends.
I have the feeling that I am annoying him and that he doesn't like me but I don't know why...
What shall I do?
I'm female btw.