The Student Room Group

prozac and ibruprofen?

Ive been taking prozac for 3 days now, having had no effect on citalopram, but I've got a really really bad headach, even the back of my eyes hurt, i feel sick and have a bit of a sore throat.

Would ibruprofen be a) safe to take b) help at all?
Reply 1
ps. I have low factor VIII, which means my blood doesn't clot as fast as it should do, ibruprofen would lower this further - I don't know if this is relevent.
Reply 2
No. It can cause stomach bleeding and other such fun things. So don't risk it
Reply 3
No. It can cause stomach bleeding and other such fun things. So don't risk it

What can I take instead? I'm in quite a lot of pain I just want to crawl into bed.
Reply 4
No. It can cause stomach bleeding and other such fun things. So don't risk it

I don't think the risk of stomach bleeding is any higher or lower with or without the SSRI. OP- have you had trouble with ibuprofen before?
Reply 5
drink lots of water
and maybe try Forehead or another natural remedie
Reply 6
I don't think the risk of stomach bleeding is any higher or lower with or without the SSRI. OP- have you had trouble with ibuprofen before?

Well, my doctor and Helly said that. And Helly looked in her thingy. So there.
Reply 7
Well, my doctor and Helly said that. And Helly looked in her thingy. So there.

Ah fair enough. I can't navigate the online thingy:frown:
Reply 8
So the answer is no? In which case what to take instead?
Reply 9
Yeah, BNF says it will increase the risk of bleeding if the two are taken together. Paracetamol should be safe though.
Reply 10
I would avoid taking Ibuprofen and go for Paracetamol instead... it actually says on the label that it may interfere with certain antidepressants. Also, avoid drinking lots of caffeine and drinks like grape fruit. They don't mix well.
I hope your headache goes soon.
Reply 11
Ok I still feel absolutely appalling.

I've been taking the prozac for 5 days or so, I don't even know, I've had a pretty much constant headache - much less in the morning but horrible every evening from about 4pm, my mouth and throat are very dry leading to a painful sore throat and bit of a cough, I'm tired and my shoulders and neck hurt a lot, my chest hurts when I breathe, I sometimes feel a little dizzy or like I'm going to pass out, I've got no appetite at all (though this isn't new, I've lost about a stone and a half in 4 weeks or so), I feel sick all the time, worse when I force myself to eat, I feel far more down than when I was on the citalopram.

I've got a doctor's appointment for wednesday but I don't know whether to wait that long, should I just stop taking these damn pills?
Reply 12
I've read that these drugs caused withdrawal if stopped abruptly, though if you only started taking them, you should be ok by stopping I think.
don't take yourself off abruptly, it can make headaches etc. worse. if your side effects are this bad i would really consider going to see the doc earlier. definitely don't take ibuprofen, especially if you already have blood-clotting problems. paracetemol is fine, but make sure you don't hide the side effects so much that you can't tell if they're getting worse, coz if they do you should defs go to the doctor or a+e.
Reply 14
don't take yourself off abruptly, it can make headaches etc. worse. if your side effects are this bad i would really consider going to see the doc earlier. definitely don't take ibuprofen, especially if you already have blood-clotting problems. paracetemol is fine, but make sure you don't hide the side effects so much that you can't tell if they're getting worse, coz if they do you should defs go to the doctor or a+e.

So do I take it or not this morning? And tomorrow morning as well before I see doctor?

I went to the doctors and the receptionist said they can't see me until tomorrow, couldn't even see a nurse or anything apparently they were really busy. I don't think it's quite a&e worth.
i would, because then the doc will be able to see the true effects of the meds, and can atribute anything that's happened to them and not the effects of having gone off them and you're system adjusting etc. of course, if the side effects make life really unpleasant you might want not to...