The Student Room Group

insecure at college

before i started college i was really looking forward to it, now that i'm actually there i'm not really sure whether i like it any more. it feels as if i haven't really made in friends even though i've been there a month and everyone else really has! i dunno what i'm doing wrong!
i also feel a bit as if my other friends from school who i went to college with are getting a bit annoyed with me.. (i know i am with them) i think its the constant we see eachother all the time routine...
its getting me down, i mean i'm pretty shy so its quite hard. i really don't know what to do!
Reply 1

get a girl friend
Reply 2
I feel the same.

I'm a third year and I was a social success in my first but I was arragont and self destructive and sodded it all up. I went back to try and better myself and I am but I haven't made any friends and it feels like a very lonely path to broadening my mind.

I don't really have any advice to solve it but I try to always smile, I answer questions so people don't think I'm just dumb and I try and remind myself that college is 2 years in about 80.

Good luck!