The Student Room Group
Reply 1
What kind of pains are they? Constant, or stabbing, rhythmic etc? It's pretty hard to diagnose chest pain, but if it's any consolation, there is a very low chance of it being something serious. Most real heart conditions don't produce symptoms which manifest themselves actually around the heart itself; for example if you were having a heart attack, you'd be likely to feel under arm pain, and a tightening feeling in your general chest area.
Reply 2
a stabbing pain maybe twice a day if it happens at all that day.
Reply 3
Although its probably nothing to worry about I would suggest going to your GP to investigate the problem as its better to be on the safe side.
Are you physically fit? Ie, do you do sports and not have a bmi of like 50...?
Reply 5
bmi is 21 and i havn't done much exercise recently.

I plan to go for a jog in the morning tho
Erm, probably not advisable to do that tomoro morning, go see your doc first... then go for the jog :smile:
Reply 7
a stabbing pain maybe twice a day if it happens at all that day.

When you say twice a day do you mean you get a single stabbing pain twice, or you get two periods of pain a day? It sounds like it could be stress, or perhaps heartburn if it coincides with your eating. I'd visit your GP for a definitive answer, and try to avoid any strenuous activity until then. I hope it all works out! :smile:
Recently i've got slight pains in the heart, having never had heart burn or the like, could anyone explain the symtoms and the liklyhood i have it, or worse?


No, you don't.
People don't just get 'heart pain'. certainly not at your age.
Reply 9
Hm, I sometimes get random pains there. Comes on in bouts of two/three times a day for a few days, then goes. It's like a sudden stabbing, then it sort of pops, (well that's what it feels like) and it's gone.
I used to get stabbings in the heart area a lot. I thought they'd gone away but actually I've had 3 such episodes today - like a sharp stabbing pain that lasts maybe a couple of seconds and then goes. Is that the sort of thing you mean?

I wish I knew what they were myself!
I used to get stabbings in the heart area a lot. I thought they'd gone away but actually I've had 3 such episodes today - like a sharp stabbing pain that lasts maybe a couple of seconds and then goes. Is that the sort of thing you mean?

I wish I knew what they were myself!

Reply 12
People don't just get 'heart pain'. certainly not at your age.
People don't know where the heart is... :wink:
I felt like I was getting stabbing pains in my heart and it turned out that I had inflammation of the tissue connecting my ribs and it hurt when my rib cage expanded.
People don't know where the heart is... :wink:

precisely. The human body simply cannot locate the heart very well, so people who do get heart 'pain' often don't even describe it as pain. THey'll usually says its more 'uncomfortable' tightness/heaviness on their chest.