The Student Room Group

Lying with eyes closed but never go to sleep, and concious of that

For the past 2 nights I've been lying in bed with my eyes closed, not able to get to sleep, and am conscious of that. But it's not as if I'm opening and closing my eyes or anything, I'm for all intents and purposes safely "eyes closed", I'm just conscious of the fact that I'm not getting to sleep. I've been going to bed at 10:30pm +- this past week, I just wonder if it's stress related?!
Reply 1
Staying in bed is the worst thing to do in that situation.
Reply 2
Yeah, I'm really bad a sleeping (sounds stupid but it's true), when I'm in that situation I get up and potter around for a bit, make myself some tea or read a magazine until I'm feeling a little more sleepy.
Reply 3
Here's an interesting article. A few points are a bit debatable, but some good hints in there...
Dont drink tea. It contains caffeine.
Reply 5
Dont drink tea. It contains caffeine.

True... but why did you single out tea there? So does Coke (and most drinks like it), coffee, etc...
Reply 6
Herbal tea is what I meant to write. I'm very fond of Camomile and Baked apple Twinings at the moment.
Reply 7
True... but why did you single out tea there? So does Coke (and most drinks like it), coffee, etc...

Most probably singled out tea as a couple of posts above someone said they make themselves tea when they can't get to sleep.
Reply 8
The Stig
Most probably singled out tea as a couple of posts above someone said they make themselves tea when they can't get to sleep.

Yeah, just noticed that. My bad!
Reply 9
Is it every night you sleep badly? Can you think of anything which keeps you awake?
haha, just reading that article, and last night i decided to write in bed a shopping list and a to do list, no wonder i couldn't sleep!
Reply 11
Have a look at this too, quite good
True... but why did you single out tea there? So does Coke (and most drinks like it), coffee, etc...

Because someone said they drink tea when they cant sleep.
'Train your body to understand that going to the bedroom means going to sleep' :rofl:
