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essay:cycles in biology how to link?

i have an essay to write by wednesday:eek: titled 'cycles in biology' i understand that i have to write a paragraph explaining each cycle we have done but really dont know what to do by way of introduction and how to link the paragraphs.:confused: :confused: at the minute my essay is just random paragraphs explaining cycles! :p: it looks more like revision notes to be honest!

please help!
i'd write some sort of philosophical opening.... about how we're all part of the circle of life and as nothing's created/destroyed that things must be recycled. in no place is this more evident than in biology where....
Reply 2
thanks thats a really good ides, hadnt thought of that one! i just dont really get the concept of scientific 'essays'!:s-smilie:
hah. not all scientists are illiterate you know!! if you ever want to make a career of being a scientist, it's likely that you'll have to publish papers on your research. else how are people going to know what you've been up to?
Reply 4
yeh i spose i just dont really count myself as a scientist or an essay writer! what does that make me i wonder?
yeh i spose i just dont really count myself as a scientist or an essay writer! what does that make me i wonder?

Reply 6
I'd mention how cycles are part of biology then mention the ones you are gonna talk about and expalin VERY briefly as in one line for each and then do paragraphs on each!

Nitro and carbon cycle are pretty similar only water is diff. So you could link the two quite well actually making comparisons. then mention something like "However, the hydrological cycle is very different although it...."

I done a question like this last year in a mock 15 blooming marks it was! i got 11! :s:
if it's in an exam, the stress isn't really on your essay writing ability tho. i mean there are points available for it and it's useful to be able to write in sentences even if you do want to be a scientist :wink: what's wrong with 11/15?? it's hardly awful. i always got bored in the middle of writing them in exams, would leave them then remember and go back with about 2 minutes left where i'd shove some **** on the end and hope for the best. i'm a talented waffler tho... god knows how i ended up in med school tho :confused:
Reply 8
bright star
if it's in an exam, the stress isn't really on your essay writing ability tho. i mean there are points available for it and it's useful to be able to write in sentences even if you do want to be a scientist :wink: what's wrong with 11/15?? it's hardly awful. i always got bored in the middle of writing them in exams, would leave them then remember and go back with about 2 minutes left where i'd shove some **** on the end and hope for the best. i'm a talented waffler tho... god knows how i ended up in med school tho :confused:

because your a waffler half the Dr's don't know whats going on! :wink: loool

I'm applying too! :s-smilie:
Reply 9
thanks for all the help. i got 16/25 in the end! not too bad! should be able to get it up tho!