The Student Room Group

Burned my bridges

I worked with a nice girl at a part time job who my male friend has briefly met twice. He has hounded me for her number on many occasions so I brushed it off, I gave in and texted her tonight asking whether he could have her number but wish I hadn't. I told the guy friend to get his number himself but he said he's 'scared'. My boyfriend was concerned and said I shouldn't have got involved as it would come back on me. I have since texted her back and apologised that I don't want to upset a good friend and to forget I sent the message. She isn't the kind of girl who replies to texts, so now I don't know whether to apologise to her in person or just forget it.
Reply 1
forget it and see how she behaves with you. if shes off with you then appologise again.
I cant see why asking if a guy can have your number is such a big deal :confused:
Reply 3
What you should've done is gave her the guy's number. Then the ball is in her court.
What you should've done is gave her the guy's number. Then the ball is in her court.

Bit too late for "should've dones"

Just see how she acts; if she's funny, apologise. :smile:

Although - I can't see what's wrong with it rly. :/