The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I certainly hope it's not a trend since I'm applying for the same course at Cambridge!:p: A friend of mine is applying to Oxford, she has to do ELAT. However, I don't think she'll sit any written test in connection with her interviews (unlike me), and she only needs to send one piece of written work (I have to send two). And besides... the more tests they throw at you, the more you can prove how much you deserve that sought-after place at Oxford! (Even if it's painful!:smile: )
Yes, I think the test is an excellent idea, it's much fairer and a better indicator than AS levels, for example (hope I'm still saying that after I've done it!) However other people do seem to be put off by it - even though, as you say, Cam has its own tests etc. Hmmm.
Reply 3
That'll partly be because with the Cambridge tests you still have the interview to try and wow them in. With the ELAT, if you do badly you can be deselected for interview. It's unlikely, but people worry, and so...

I don't know if there'll be a noticeable decline in applicants for English at Oxford, though. Probably not.
Yes, perhaps it will scare off a few marginal people but not have a hugely noticeable effect. But I do have a feeling that the example at my school may indeed reflect a wider effect...
If I don't do well in the ELAT, I'm not cut out for Oxford.

Reply 6
The ELAt didn't put me off applying to Oxford at all, they still give you a test at interview for Cam, but I'm completely confused about how to even prepare for it. I'm really scared I'm going to panic and completely mess it up :frown:
The ELAT is almost a gift for someone with average GCSE's like myself.
The ELAT is almost a gift for someone with average GCSE's like myself.

But doesn't this year's ELAT simply serve as a test run? :confused: I thought, they'd just compare the results with the remaining information AFTER interview (at least this year..). Same for the PPE test, I thought... (??) :s-smilie:
But doesn't this year's ELAT simply serve as a test run? :confused: I thought, they'd just compare the results with the remaining information AFTER interview (at least this year..). Same for the PPE test, I thought... (??) :s-smilie:

I don't think so; Oxford did a test last year using my school to check such correlation etc. However, as it's the first proper year I don't think they'll deselect as many applicants as they eventually will...