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Wouldn't this make more sense in the Edinburgh subforum...
Hang on, I'll get a mod to move it for you.
Reply 2
I just applied for English Lit.
Reply 3
I study English literature at the moment, so at Edinburgh I have applied for Q306.

But a lot of Universities do offer "English Studies" which is Q300.
Reply 4
Hey I'm a third year at edinburgh studying english lit - just to let you know that you will get the opportunity to study English Language in 1st and 2nd yr as an elective course anyway (you do english lit, english language and another elective subject - or you can opt out of doing eng lang and pick a different course). Plus edinburgh are pretty flexible if you did decide you wanted to change your degree.

Reply 5
I applied to Edinburgh for Art History and Chinese Studies, but found out when I arrived that Chinese Studies actually includes Oriental History, so I opted to change my degree course during freshers' week to English Lit., Art History and Chinese.

They're really flexible on what you can do and even if you don't want to commit yourself to a different degree course in your first year, you can just take English Lit. with two outside courses and then decide in your third year what you want your major to be. This means you can opt to keep your degree as English Lit. or you can keep an outside course and combine it in with your initial degree course.
Reply 6

I applied to Edinburgh for Art History and Chinese Studies, but found out when I arrived that Chinese Studies actually includes Oriental History, so I opted to change my degree course during freshers' week to English Lit., Art History and Chinese.

hi i applied to stdy english lit and history of art at edinburgh - and its the uni i have set my heart on. was wondering how your finding english lit and especially history of art? how are they in combination?
Reply 7
Q306 :smile: actually applied for Q300 by accident lol because that was the code for all my other courses..
Reply 8
Has anyone been given an offer for English Lit at Edinburgh yet? I really hope we don't all have to wait until mid March, which is what Edinburgh are saying might happen...
its highly likely that you will be, after all english lit is one of the most competitive courses in the university... in my year (06 entry) there were 1680 applications, and 240 people were given offers... the waiting game sucks, but then its the same every year and the same for everyone, so at least they make it fair! it seems to be that the arts subjects take longer to give out offers than the sciences, perhaps they wait until after the jan deadline .
Reply 10
so its a given now that we wont heard until the new year?! im soooo impatient!
Reply 11
Eeek I'm getting really impatient too! I've applied for Q306 as I'm studying English Lit at the moment so it seemed a natural progression.
I hope I applied for the right course, but having read these, it does sound easy to change! I applied for Q300 ENG LANG+LIT as that's what A lvl I did.

I had an acknowledgement but that's it so far, and I've heard from all my other places! It's kinda annoying coz I can't accept anything yet, and I'm really tempted by London, but I haven't actually been to edinburgh, just heard it was good...:smile:

English 08

Oxford-Interviewd, Rejected
Royal Holloway, London-ABB
Just curious... people applying for English Literature (Q306)... what did you get for AS? I'm worrying that I didn't do well enough and that they'll reject me :frown:.
Just curious... people applying for English Literature (Q306)... what did you get for AS? I'm worrying that I didn't do well enough and that they'll reject me :frown:.

Post A-level applicant. I got AAAa.

I'm sure they base their decisions on more than just grades though :smile:
I have AAAA at AS level and I'm predicted AAAa. Edinburgh are mysterious, their offers are typically BBB but usually people who get offers are gaining higher grades. They scare me (not as much as UCL though), they're the only university I've not heard a peep from.
Yeah, I wondered why the offers (usually BBB) were so reasonable, given that Edinburgh is such a top flight uni. Maybe they're just kind :smile: lol
Reply 17
I got AAAbb, and received a rejection today via UCAS.
:frown: I'm really sorry, JBird. *hugs*

They're bound to reject me then, I did much worse than you.
Quite a few people have heard from Edinburgh today......