The Student Room Group

Anyone else have nasty and rude tutors?

I've started my seminars this week and there is one seminar with this tutor, and he is really difficult to learn from and is generally rude to everyone.

When we have seminars, we are meant to be discussing things/issues of the subject, right? As in, the students answer prepared questions and the tutor is meant to give some feedback, and maybe help expand on things.

Well, this man does not seem to want to help at all.

He does that horrible thing where he goes around the class and forces people to answer questions. I know this is probably quite normal, but it's a completely new subject and it is sometimes quite difficult to get into.

When people in my class answer a question, they are (by general terms) on the right lines, or just correct. A normal tutor would say "Yes, you could say that" or maybe help explain it a little further. But no, he just gives a nasty, rolly-eyes sort of look as if you had got it completely wrong and what you are saying is bull.
After giving this look, he completely disregards what the student has said and then quickly turns to the next person and forces them to answer the same bloody question.

He has this attitude of wanting to back people into a corner, by glaring at them when they struggle to answer and he does not give any hints or anything.

He also has the cheek to comment on some students' accents when his English is not exactly understandable either (he is not British)!

Now I know some of you must be thinking, "Stop being so naiive, they don't spoon-feed you at uni" etc, but I am sure that when we are at university, surely we are past the stage of being made to feel small and smirked at? We are not in secondary school anymore!

I have had many many teachers in my years at school, a few of them were also very rude and intimidating, but I honestly have never experienced someone with such an attitude before, and I feel like I can't learn from this guy because he literally kicks you when you're down. I'm not the only one who feels like this; the whole class is scared/upset by him too. I'm not exactly the most confident person and I nearly got slaughtered by him (luckily I knew the answer to the question!). Even the really confident students in my class do not dare to raise their hand to answer.

Sorry for the long rant, but is there anyone else out there who has a tutor like this? :s-smilie:

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He's probably just pissed off that he has to teach in order to support his research position.
Reply 2
Mmm, maybe, but he's only a part-time tutor...we have other tutors who are full-time and are involved in research all the time and they are still friendly, but he just seems to hate us all and think we're idiots.
Someone who is generally rude to everyone is far better than someone who is just rude to you...

Reply 4
Someone who is generally rude to everyone is far better than someone who is just rude to you...


LOL. :wink:
Citizen Zero
LOL. :wink:

I imagine you only have him for the one module though? So it won't be long...
Citizen Zero
Mmm, maybe, but he's only a part-time tutor...we have other tutors who are full-time and are involved in research all the time and they are still friendly, but he just seems to hate us all and think we're idiots.

Well you get nice people and nasty people all over the place.
I would probably challenge him on some point. I tend to do that to all my teachers, because I don't give two hoot's anymore about what they think :biggrin: I'm never mean though, whereas this unsavoury man seems to be plain nasteeeeeee.
Reply 8
I imagine you only have him for the one module though? So it won't be long...

Yeah, but it's criminal law, which is meant to be the most exciting and interesting module, but he is completely ruining it.

Well you get nice people and nasty people all over the place.

I suppose...just annoying it has to be here, in one of the most challenging courses...

Maybe if he keeps this attitude up long enough, the whole class will lodge a complaint? :p: I know there are a few other tutors who can teach us instead...
I am saddened to hear of your plight, Citizen. :frown: That would be horrible to have tutors like that in my seminars.

TBH, so far, we have not been forced to answer questions but we have an English seminar where we always get into groups (despite sitting in a lecture theatre :rolleyes: ) and then have to give feedback of our discussion to the rest of the class. I hate it.

I believe that in situations like the one you mentioned, it is an environment in which only confident people will flourish. The rest (albeit a minority, perhaps) will feel insecure all year long and this cannot be good for their chances of getting good grades. At least in a lecture, everyone is on a level playing field as the lecturer dictates proceedings.
Yeah, 80% of the people in my class seem quiet/shy (myself included), and so we feel really bloody intimidated.

The thing is, I think we have a mature student in our class, and she is one of those students who are really keen, confident and seem to know everything, but even she didn't say a word. I could tell that she felt threatened too.
I have a crap lecturer. He forced everyone to buy his book claiming "You'll fail if you don't get it," and he came into the seminar room after several weeks and shouted at everyone for not doing presentations, which was not mentioned in the module handout, or by the seminar tutor (who said he knows nothing about it). When I asked if that book is really necessary, he said in a rude tone "Do you want to see me, here, this time next year?" Lol. Told us to prepare for presentations out of seminars and gave everyone the "that's your problem" attitude. He doesn't bother helping with assignments either.

What a scam, getting rich by putting pressure on students they'll only pass with HIS BOOK.
Reply 12
Sounds like a bit of a cock - try asking to move to a different seminar group.
If we were allowed to move, I'd been out like a shot, along with the rest of the class, LOL.

We're not allowed to move, so I guess we'll have to stick with it and if he gets unbearable, then maybe complain to the head of school or someone.
Citizen Zero

I suppose...just annoying it has to be here, in one of the most challenging courses...

Maybe if he keeps this attitude up long enough, the whole class will lodge a complaint? :p: I know there are a few other tutors who can teach us instead...

Then complain, because its important. Many tutors and other teaching support staff are often students themselves and are given even less training in teaching methods that the very small amount given to permanent members of academic staff.
TBH you should pull him up, or complain. YOU are paying £3000 per year for this.

I would complain personally. In fact I might have knocked him out.
They are sorting student reps out very soon; I might complain to one of them when someone is elected.

I would rather not complain to a member of staff because I am very cynical when it comes to things like this; I don't know how each staff member is connected, so I might make things worse.

All this happened in the FIRST ever seminar we had with him.
I have a woman like that.
I'm like the only person in the class who EVER answers her questions and now she picks on me. :frown:
Citizen Zero
They are sorting student reps out very soon; I might complain to one of them when someone is elected.

I would rather not complain to a member of staff because I am very cynical when it comes to things like this; I don't know how each staff member is connected, so I might make things worse.

All this happened in the FIRST ever seminar we had with him.

But that is why we don't write our names on the coursework, merely our student number, and his is because our work is supposed to be anonoymous so the tutors cannot make judgements as they are marking it.
Citizen Zero
If we were allowed to move, I'd been out like a shot, along with the rest of the class, LOL.

We're not allowed to move, so I guess we'll have to stick with it and if he gets unbearable, then maybe complain to the head of school or someone.

find out who it is that's in charge of arranging these things, then make an appointment to speak to them. explain the problem and that you need it to remain confidential and ask their advice. i had an awful tutor and i told the head of the med school in the end. and now my group has a new tutor.