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WHY DOES it take so long to mark papers?

How does it take them 3 months to mark the papers
Original post by wsstunt002
How does it take them 3 months to mark the papers

The hopeful side of me would tend to agree with you, but I thinking about it the number they have to mark is too big
(edited 7 years ago)
Original post by wsstunt002
How does it take them 3 months to mark the papers

They have thousands to mark. It's not something that takes just 5 minutes to do.
GCSE and A level papers and BTECs and courseworks and speaking across like 30 different subjects, papers are often 1hr30-2hr30, every paper needs to be marked correctly and not hurriedly, Millions of students, im amazed they mark it all in 3 months
Lots of examiners have to mark a lot of scripts, and it takes time. They have to mark the papers, insert all the marks in the database, the senior examiner has to check a sample of the marking to ensure the marking is accurate and then they have to decide on grade boundaries....
Original post by AdamRear
Lots of examiners have to mark a lot of scripts, and it takes time. They have to mark the papers, insert all the marks in the database, the senior examiner has to check a sample of the marking to ensure the marking is accurate and then they have to decide on grade boundaries....

I think grade boundary decisions are actually easier- plug all scores of all students into a computer and it will generate the mean grade- should be about 50ish and call this a D go up in 10 percents for higher grades and down in 10s for lower grades.
3 months is not enough...

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by wsstunt002
How does it take them 3 months to mark the papers

All scripts are scanned and identified with a unique bar code then sent to the examiners.

Each examiner has to mark a sample first which is checked to ensure they are following the mark scheme correctly.

Then marks are uploaded and more checking goes on.

Meetings are held to discuss grade boundaries and some have to be agreed externally with reference to KS2 results.

There are thousands of students doing some of the subjects ...
They have tons of papers to mark. You'd want them to do a good job with your paper, wouldn't you? Some subjects like maths would probably be quite quick to mark, but English would take a long time.
Reply 9
Original post by TheMindGarage
They have tons of papers to mark. You'd want them to do a good job with your paper, wouldn't you? Some subjects like maths would probably be quite quick to mark, but English would take a long time.

not really just fast and generous
Original post by wsstunt002
not really just fast and generous

To be honest, I think examiners are more likely to miss out points and mark harshly if they rushed.
The actual marking process only takes about two weeks. Before the marking period, your papers have to be scanned. The senior examiners get together mark some scripts, finalise the mark scheme, and train the examiners to ensure that all marks awarded are as fair as they could be. This process itself takes longer than the marking period. All papers should be marked by the end of July. In August, grade boundaries are set etc

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