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Weird Bump around nose piercing (not keloid or granuloma)

Hello everyone,
Around a month ago I got my nose pierced (I had to get it repierced about two weeks ago because the stud fell out in the night). However a week ago a small bump popped it (it looked a lot like a keloid or a granuloma) but I wasn't too concerned because I thought these are normal and I began to treat it using diluted tea tree oil and lavender oil. But over the past two days it has started to look very weird it's like another bump is growing on top of the first bump, it's starting to scab over and it's also become very large and nearly growing over the stud itself? I went to the doctors and she had no idea what it was and just handed me some antibiotics. I've looked all over the Internet for what this is and how to get rid of it, do I take it out do I keep it in? I doesn't look like a keloid or pustule or an infection, although it may have started off as a keloid and something has grown on top I have no idea.
Can someone please help me???
Thank you!!

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You should probably see a qualified doctor if you're worried. For now, don't pick at it or try to burst it.
Original post by boriapple
You should probably see a qualified doctor if you're worried. For now, don't pick at it or try to burst it.

I went to see two qualified doctors and neither had any idea what it was 😬
Original post by FrancisHarring
I went to see two qualified doctors and neither had any idea what it was 😬

Do you have a picture of the bump?
Original post by FrancisHarring
I went to see two qualified doctors and neither had any idea what it was 😬

When it comes to piercing, tattooing and other body mods some medical professionals are scarily clueless.

Go to a GOOD piercer, they are probably your best bet.

Also, why the **** is a doctor prescribing antibiotics when they don't know if what you have is an infection. Blizzare.
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Original post by boriapple
Do you have a picture of the bump?

This is it (sorry for the extreme close up and how rancid it looks)
Original post by FrancisHarring
Attachment not found

This is it (sorry for the extreme close up and how rancid it looks)

Try holding ice to it for a while (perhaps over a few hours) and rinsing it with salty water before bed. Does it hurt if you flick it?
Original post by boriapple
Try holding ice to it for a while (perhaps over a few hours) and rinsing it with salty water before bed. Does it hurt if you flick it?

I rinse it with salt water twice a day, I'll try the ice tho thank you! Nah it doesn't hurt at all
Did your nose ever get better? I have the same exact thing from getting my nose pierced a couple months ago...
Did your nose ever get better? I have the same exact thing from getting my nose pierced a couple months ago...
Original post by Kelclovescats
Did your nose ever get better? I have the same exact thing from getting my nose pierced a couple months ago...

Yes it did actually, its perfectly fine now. I tried dissolving rock salt in hot water and soaking my nose in that but that didn't work, so instead I put some water on the bump and actually stuck the rock salt granules to it. It bled a little bit at first but after doing this for two nights it just fell off (ew ew) and my nose piercing was as good as new. Sometimes if I knock my nose a smaller version of the bump comes up again and I just sleep with some salt on it and it goes away. Good luck!
Original post by FrancisHarring
Yes it did actually, its perfectly fine now. I tried dissolving rock salt in hot water and soaking my nose in that but that didn't work, so instead I put some water on the bump and actually stuck the rock salt granules to it. It bled a little bit at first but after doing this for two nights it just fell off (ew ew) and my nose piercing was as good as new. Sometimes if I knock my nose a smaller version of the bump comes up again and I just sleep with some salt on it and it goes away. Good luck!

Oh wow, I never would've thought of doing that! I'll give it a try. Thanks for the info & glad your piercing is all better!
Reply 12
So what was it?
Did yours end up going away too? If so what did you do and how long did it take? Mine has been like this for about a week and a half or two weeks and i have a business trip on wednesday 😭
I have the same problem! I guess caused from trauma from hitting it in my sleep? Can you specify what you mean by rock salt granulates? I’ve been putting a couple pinches of sea salt in a Dixie cup and pouring it over it for a few days now and I’m not getting any results.. thank you!
Reply 15
Try mixing some crushed up aspirin with a little bit of water until it forms a paste and leaving it on. It like hardens up, I had something similar and after sleeping with the aspirin paste every night for a week it went down loads
I have one just like yours and I’m scared to death of getting my piercing taken out!! Lol thanks for the idea I had no idea wth was going on. Going to get some rock salt tomorrow
Hiya I have a lump on my nose piering too, it will go down then I’ll knock it then it will come back, it will crust then the crust will come off and the lumps still there? What should I do, I feel like sea salt soaks just irritate it more as the lumps begins Turing white and itchy? Could anyone help me please x
I've got the same bump, I've had my nose pierced about 4 weeks ago and everything has been perfect until a white little spot popped up by the piercing and then the next day it was big, red and bloody, I've been using studex but I haven't seen no improvement😭😫
I just left it and it went x

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