The Student Room Group

Not Coping


This will probably sound like pathetic self-pitying drivel, but I wouldn't be here writing this if I didn't really want some advice. I'd really appreciate it.

University has turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments (mistakes even?) of my life. Being quite a stubborn, driven person as a teenager, I find it very hard to register how much things have gone wrong, and how unlike me it is to be in such a state now.

I ended up working for a bank the year after school, which I loved and I grew so much in confidence. What I lost, however, was the drive I once had to work and learn. And I really did used to be such a swot.

I did my first year at an English uni. The entire year was frought with problems (a violent ex, parents splitting up, course changes, dept closures, a close family member dying young and suddenly) on top of the fact that I really didn't get on with the place. It was literally a case of one thing after the other. I made a very small close group of friends. None of us fitted in (we were all from elsewhere in the country) and it's fair to say we were very unhappy. Two of us have now left.

I went over and over my decision to go back to uni. My confidence after my first year was zero. So was my motivation. But 'old' me, the girl who never handed a piece of work in late, would never have given up, and all my friends were now approaching their 3rd years. I thought I'd just be abnormal if I didn't go on.

But I'm now a second year and new. The uni is already a million times friendlier and open than last year. But I'm catching up, my classmates are all in established groups, I live with some very shy fourth years in a house quite isolated from campus, and I don't have the confidence or the urge any more to do this. I knew restarting would be hard, but I'm really starting to sink. I've done the joining societies thing, and the going out thing over and over now. It's rediculous. If I were reading this I'd laugh. Nobody drops out this much. But I have and this is so BIG for me. The difference between me at ALevel and now is huge. Now I just want to hide and cry. I would never have allowed myself to be so weak before, but I'm weak now and I'm disappointing myself.

The biggest issue is that I still have a year abroad to do. As things for me away from home so far have been pretty disasterous and I'm nowhere near as confident or independent as I once was, the thought of me going away for a year, and even graduating, seems rediculous.

I've tried all sorts of things now for 2 years, writing lists, being positive, being realistic, talking to people, trying hard, not trying hard and letting things 'come to me'... All has been fruitless. I feel I'm living under such a cloud and I can't see a way out anymore. My parents are worried sick about me. I feel I can't speak to them any more as it only results in agruments.

I'm really not sure if I want to be a student any more. I feel so out of synch here because of my late arrival, and I have no interest in my course anymore.

I'm not sure what I'm asking for, maybe just a bit of advice, or any shared experiences. I'm really very unhappy and worried at the moment, I never thought things would get this bad.
I hated 1st year now i'm in the 2nd year and I hate it even more, but im scared of leaving because ive never been out of education unlike you. Sounds stupid I know. I have almost zero confidence. If you're nearing the latter part of the course (?) id just stick it out and finish it.
Reply 2
Yes over-confident ego-centric argumentative tosspots are far more suited to uni than sensitive normal hard working people. I found the hardest thing was the lack of any re-enforcement for my work. In school or college you work hard and people confirm your on the right track left with 3 A's in a-level ect. When you get to uni no-one know who the hell you are nevermind whether you do the work and the motivation just goes, its pain to keep going but i would stick at it. I just see uni as a day job, but I know I will never reach the level of exception whilst I am here because I have lost the ability to care enough.
Reply 3
Does your uni have a student guidance centre you can go to so that you can talk about your problems?
Reply 4

This will probably sound like pathetic self-pitying drivel, but I wouldn't be here writing this if I didn't really want some advice. I'd really appreciate it.

University has turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments (mistakes even?) of my life. Being quite a stubborn, driven person as a teenager, I find it very hard to register how much things have gone wrong, and how unlike me it is to be in such a state now.

I ended up working for a bank the year after school, which I loved and I grew so much in confidence. What I lost, however, was the drive I once had to work and learn. And I really did used to be such a swot.

I did my first year at an English uni. The entire year was frought with problems (a violent ex, parents splitting up, course changes, dept closures, a close family member dying young and suddenly) on top of the fact that I really didn't get on with the place. It was literally a case of one thing after the other. I made a very small close group of friends. None of us fitted in (we were all from elsewhere in the country) and it's fair to say we were very unhappy. Two of us have now left.

I went over and over my decision to go back to uni. My confidence after my first year was zero. So was my motivation. But 'old' me, the girl who never handed a piece of work in late, would never have given up, and all my friends were now approaching their 3rd years. I thought I'd just be abnormal if I didn't go on.

But I'm now a second year and new. The uni is already a million times friendlier and open than last year. But I'm catching up, my classmates are all in established groups, I live with some very shy fourth years in a house quite isolated from campus, and I don't have the confidence or the urge any more to do this. I knew restarting would be hard, but I'm really starting to sink. I've done the joining societies thing, and the going out thing over and over now. It's rediculous. If I were reading this I'd laugh. Nobody drops out this much. But I have and this is so BIG for me. The difference between me at ALevel and now is huge. Now I just want to hide and cry. I would never have allowed myself to be so weak before, but I'm weak now and I'm disappointing myself.

The biggest issue is that I still have a year abroad to do. As things for me away from home so far have been pretty disasterous and I'm nowhere near as confident or independent as I once was, the thought of me going away for a year, and even graduating, seems rediculous.

I've tried all sorts of things now for 2 years, writing lists, being positive, being realistic, talking to people, trying hard, not trying hard and letting things 'come to me'... All has been fruitless. I feel I'm living under such a cloud and I can't see a way out anymore. My parents are worried sick about me. I feel I can't speak to them any more as it only results in agruments.

I'm really not sure if I want to be a student any more. I feel so out of synch here because of my late arrival, and I have no interest in my course anymore.

I'm not sure what I'm asking for, maybe just a bit of advice, or any shared experiences. I'm really very unhappy and worried at the moment, I never thought things would get this bad.

Oh Wow. A lot of you what you said has resonance with me. So I'd like to go through the similarities to show you you're not alone.

'What I lost, however, was the drive I once had to work and learn. And I really did used to be such a swot.'

I've really lost all my drive and focus too. I've started my 2nd year of Uni and I just can't be bothered with my course anymore. It's hard for me to deal with this beacuse I got 10 A* at GCSE and AAA at A Level and i used to love to learn.

I cant say that I had the problems you did in the first year but I made no friends whatsoever and now it's starting to depress me.

'But 'old' me, the girl who never handed a piece of work in late, would never have given up'

Oh I know how that feels. I was neurotic about deadlines and still am. The last bit of coursework I had to do I handed in on time but it was really below par and incomplete and it makes me sad that the 'new' me doesn't care what mark I get on it.

If I were reading this I'd laugh. Nobody drops out this much. But I have and this is so BIG for me. The difference between me at ALevel and now is huge. Now I just want to hide and cry. I would never have allowed myself to be so weak before, but I'm weak now and I'm disappointing myself.

This is very similar to me. I changed my course once early on in my first year, at the same Uni, from bilogical science to chem. This year I actually changed my course again from chem to combined studies, again at the same Uni. I did 2 lectures. Didn't like them. Started panicking about what I'd done, knowing I had rushed into this swap so I went back to Chem again (very embarrassing but I lied to my chem tutor about why - I mumbled something about that there would be problems with my student loans, which actually they might have been). I'm now considering dropping out of Uni but I'm scared because I would have wated two years of my life.

thought of me going away for a year, and even graduating, seems rediculous.

What scares me about graduating is that if my motivation doesn't improve I'll get a third. I consider myself to have once been a swot too so you know probably how much swots like us want the top grades and are unhappy if our work is not perfect.

I feel I'm living under such a cloud and I can't see a way out anymore. My parents are worried sick about me. I feel I can't speak to them any more as it only results in agruments.

I NEVER speak to my parents. You can't see a way out? I know EXACTLY how that feels. I'm going to counselling at the moment becasue my whole life is just getting me depressed. I suggest you try it or maybe you have but 'talking to people' was a little vague to me. It hasn't made me feel better. I've had about 4 of 5 sessions but it's great to unload everything onto a complete stranger. Kinda like these forums. I suggest you try it. People respond differently to counselling I suppose. Be brave be bold and go for at least one session. My counsellor is really friendly and seems to genuinley care. You might get a counsellor like that too.

I'm really not sure if I want to be a student any more. I feel so out of synch here because of my late arrival, and I have no interest in my course anymore

I think you need to regain your passion for learning. Whenever I learned something at school and understood it, it would make me happy. What do you really love doing? If there were no constraints e.g. money, parents, uni, job what would you want to do at this moment? How can you get there?
You might want to talk to a careers advisor too. I hate that there are these things called jobs that we have to get someday. I would rather sit at home and read books but maybe that's just me.

Now I just want to hide and cry. I would never have allowed myself to be so weak before, but I'm weak now and I'm disappointing myself.

I feel so sorry for you. I wish I knew you. You know what they say about misery liking company. This might be cheesy but here's a quote for you
about life which makes me smile. It's from the Count of Monte Cristo:

'Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you: as Albert Mondego, the man!'

You seem very lost at the moment. I hope thinks get better for you. I would really like you to PM me so we could talk some more. I know I've rambled a bit
but I really want to get across that you're NOT ALONE. Others have dropped out of Uni. Otheres have lost drive and motivation. Others are unhappy about who they are now compared to what they once were. I'm 19 ( I think you're 20) and still don't know what to do with my life but hopefully things will get better for us and we'll fight ourselves out of our storms.

Do you like coldplay? Take a listen to this. I hope it helps.
Reply 5
I lost my drive when I got a job, basically forced myself through the last year of uni. Now I'm stuck in a part time job even though I love it I could be doing much better in the field I studied in.

I've just lost all my drive to even bother looking for another job, I think my problem was that I didn't enjoy the last year of uni cause the tutor favored people over others and that earning money was just much more tempting.

Dont let it happen to you!
Maybe just keep looking for something you want to aim for and that the steps you have to take for that motivate you? If Uni is really that bad for you then don't stay if it's not going to be worth it. Maybe you kinda 'burned out' after GCSE and A-level. I worked hard at GCSE and got A's then did F all in A-level. I worked my ass off in the last fortnight to get ACC at A-level. But I think that 'rest from work' was a blessing in disguise 'cause now I'm really wanting to learn and work for my degree. Plus it's something I want to do, and even though I could criticise some teaching methods at uni, a degree is about reading and independant learning, so a lot of it is your responsibility.
I'd make use of any councilling our advice that you can receive from the Uni to see what you can do in your situation.
I hope things look up for you soon enough.
I just wanted to say I'm the same and can relate to you in so many ways.

I'm 5 weeks into my first year but I'm struggling to keep up. Firstly it was because I was so homesick I couldn't concentrate in lectures and was seriously considering dropping out and reapplying next year to a university near home. I'm getting over the homesickness now but I'm just so confused because I didn't work at the start so know I don't know what the lecturers are talking about. If I ask for help in tutorials I still can't understand it but feel like I have to pretend I do after a while because if you keep saying 'no I still don't understand' they'll think you're stupid.

I got straight As and A*s at GCSE, all As and Bs at A Level (took 5.5 A levels as well!), and thought I'd be fine. My form tutor told me the first year would be a breeze because 'the teaching is so good at this 6th form' (it's just an average school... but it did make me underestimate the difficulty of the first year work). I'm not trying to boast but my head of 6th form told me I was in the top 2%. I applied to Cambridge (rejected but one of my teachers let on that in my mock interview my head teacher said I was 'on another level' (in a good way) - messed up my cambridge interviews though!).

So now I'm at university and I got offers from more prestigious universitites (Durham and Bath) but firmed a 'lower' one because I thought it would be better for my confidence if I were one of the strongest in the year - but I'm not - I'm failing and probably in the bottom 10%. I'm doing fine on assessed problem sheets but I feel like it's all a fluke - I have no idea what to do and with a lot of guessing and talking to friends I can manage an answer and somehow it happens to be right, but I don't understand the concept behind it.

I know how you feel about losing the drive. I was really into my subject when I applied to uni - I read books on it and everything, but now I can't be bothered to even pay attention in the lectures. I'm not even interested in it anymore - how can you be interested in something you don't understand?

And yes, the 'old' me had so much determination to succeed. I remember doing some assessed maths homework, finding it hard and leaving half the answers blank, then deciding the next day that it absolutely was not good enough. I spent about 4 hours the next night reteaching myself the whole topic from the start and I managed to get a really good mark in the end. Now I can't imagine ever doing that!

Before uni I believed that if I found something hard then it would be ok because I had wonderful teachers and friends to help me understant. Now I just feel like that support network has gone so if I don't get it that's that. Therefore, no point trying! I'm yet to learn anything yet - I don't feel like I know any more know than I did before coming here, other than I know I don't like uni.

I'm still not sure whether I'm coming or going, and have already investigated the possibility of transferring to a university nearer home for year 2, but that won't solve the problems of finding the work impossible. Only somewhere in my mind I think that if I was more settled where I was living then I could focus more on the work and not be so depressed.

Ever since I was doing GCSEs I couldn't wait to start uni but I'm so disappointed (mostly with myself and not being able to cope).

I don't have any advice but I hope things get better for you soon :smile:

Reply 8
I think dis-illusionment with the education system when arriving at uni is pretty common. I never felt like I was learning anything cohesive and just drifting thru praying that I would get asked something I know about or alternative simply not being answer the question because it wasn't "taught" to me.

Fact is your now going to have to 100% responible for your own learning and not rely on ur lecturers or tutors, there over-flated idiots half the time anyway. Good luck anyway :P
I can relate to some of what you have said, OP.

I was always really good in school and also really enjoyed it. When I left school I took a gap year and then went off to Warwick to study maths/physics. Very soon I realised that I hated my course and was getting really involved in politics to take my mind off how I felt. I did, however, continue to put as much effort in as was physically possible (without making myself ill through the stress). One day last November my personal tutor accused me of not doing enough work because I was failing. That was when I applied to transfer to study politics. I didn't hear anything until February but was rejected because my health problems had made it practically impossible to pass the year. That was when I applied to go to Keele. I now love the course I am doing but hate every other aspect of uni. But I am still falling behind because I had a breakdown a couple of weeks into the term.

I guess I would say that it is important to take some time to think about what it is you really want to do. But best of luck whatever happens. I hope your situation improves.


I am going through the same thing....well basically.
I am currently in my first year studying Pharmacology in London.
To start off I have not exactly made a lot of friends. And I dont mean to be offensive, but my campus is very diverse,as in culturally, so everyone is quite isolated in their own groups. I feel like the odd one out. And its really hard during tutorials and practicals as I have no one to really talk to.
Also, the work is getting harder, and I dont think I can cope with it as the university is getting me down.
I thought university was supposed to be a life changing experience where you make new friends and you actually enjoy going there to learn.....obviously not in my case.
I really need some good advise at the moment, and someone to talk to.
I cant talk to my parents, it would break their hearts....they have spent so much money to get me here. I couldnt possibly do it.

I dont know if I should carry on to finish my first year and then transfer. The reason why I want to carry on this year is to boost up my experience for when I apply to other universities. My qualifications for A level is Btec Health and Baccalaureate. So maybe if I complete my first year, it will boost my original grades.
I want to transfer to Portsmouth. That was my first choice originally.
But I went throug clearing and all the places had gone.
Even if I could not transfer to the second year, I would not mind starting in the first year again. I am that desperate to leave, but I dont want to leave university.

If anyone can offer good advise....ger back to me.
I am really at a loose end at the moment.
:confused: :confused: :frown: