This will probably sound like pathetic self-pitying drivel, but I wouldn't be here writing this if I didn't really want some advice. I'd really appreciate it.
University has turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments (mistakes even?) of my life. Being quite a stubborn, driven person as a teenager, I find it very hard to register how much things have gone wrong, and how unlike me it is to be in such a state now.
I ended up working for a bank the year after school, which I loved and I grew so much in confidence. What I lost, however, was the drive I once had to work and learn. And I really did used to be such a swot.
I did my first year at an English uni. The entire year was frought with problems (a violent ex, parents splitting up, course changes, dept closures, a close family member dying young and suddenly) on top of the fact that I really didn't get on with the place. It was literally a case of one thing after the other. I made a very small close group of friends. None of us fitted in (we were all from elsewhere in the country) and it's fair to say we were very unhappy. Two of us have now left.
I went over and over my decision to go back to uni. My confidence after my first year was zero. So was my motivation. But 'old' me, the girl who never handed a piece of work in late, would never have given up, and all my friends were now approaching their 3rd years. I thought I'd just be abnormal if I didn't go on.
But I'm now a second year and new. The uni is already a million times friendlier and open than last year. But I'm catching up, my classmates are all in established groups, I live with some very shy fourth years in a house quite isolated from campus, and I don't have the confidence or the urge any more to do this. I knew restarting would be hard, but I'm really starting to sink. I've done the joining societies thing, and the going out thing over and over now. It's rediculous. If I were reading this I'd laugh. Nobody drops out this much. But I have and this is so BIG for me. The difference between me at ALevel and now is huge. Now I just want to hide and cry. I would never have allowed myself to be so weak before, but I'm weak now and I'm disappointing myself.
The biggest issue is that I still have a year abroad to do. As things for me away from home so far have been pretty disasterous and I'm nowhere near as confident or independent as I once was, the thought of me going away for a year, and even graduating, seems rediculous.
I've tried all sorts of things now for 2 years, writing lists, being positive, being realistic, talking to people, trying hard, not trying hard and letting things 'come to me'... All has been fruitless. I feel I'm living under such a cloud and I can't see a way out anymore. My parents are worried sick about me. I feel I can't speak to them any more as it only results in agruments.
I'm really not sure if I want to be a student any more. I feel so out of synch here because of my late arrival, and I have no interest in my course anymore.
I'm not sure what I'm asking for, maybe just a bit of advice, or any shared experiences. I'm really very unhappy and worried at the moment, I never thought things would get this bad.