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12/10/06 19:42:26
Reply 2
Feelings just increase and you don't know what to make of it - so rather than jumping to conclusions, think through how you do feel, could this be love? And waiting to see whether you believe it is..

I told my ex that I loved her when I did, but it was when I feel in love that I told her 'I think I'm falling in love with you' so I guess did tell them at the point yes - and further, after that I prettymuch did and told her. Yup.

*wonders why you have so many warnings hmm*
When I said "I love you" by accident (ie. a lapsus), and she said the same.
Reply 4
I knew really soon, as did he...I think he told me he loved me after a week or so. I said it back and meant it. We've been together nearly 3 years.
Reply 5
I knew I was in love with him when he had a breakdown and I nearly lost him. We weren't dating then and I wasn't sure that he liked me so I didn't tell him.
still trying to figure out whether i am or not...
Reply 7
There was no magical moment for me i'm afraid. I just grew to love him
Reply 8
In the two serious relationships I've had, I fell in love with each man pretty much when I met them, i.e. before we got together. So it's never been a case of gradually realising I'm in love with my boyfriend - he wouldn't have been my boyfriend had I not fallen in love with him straight away.

'Love at first sight' is a misunderstood term; people often think it's a sign of shallowness and all to do with good looks, when in fact I'd say it runs very deep - an instinctive and immediate chemical connection with somebody which is impossible to ignore. If I didn't feel that with someone, I wouldn't see any point in taking it further. But it was there with my current partner, and with somebody else who still gives me lots of grief.

So, in my experience, the 'I love you' has always come before even the first kiss.
Reply 9
I just knew after a few weeks, just the feeling of being without him + not being with him were unbearable. It's something i've never felt so strongly before, but now i just cant imagine not being with him, have him in my life :smile:
Reply 10
My boyfriend said he realised he was in love with me the first time he ever saw me. I was late for college and running down the street...and i kept dropping my bag and he thought i was adorable. He managed to get my number and told me later that day...which was creepy.

I realised i loved him months later when i was at his place and he was cooking dinner for me. He was standing there peeling an onion in his boxer shorts and he had this look of concentration on his face and i just thought he was so sweet. :love: I didn't tell him until about 2 months later though. :redface:
The day I left for university, not going to see him till i come back in the christmas holidays
I'm not in love with my girlfriend, so, not yet would be the right answer.
Reply 13
Honestly? 3 weeks into our relationship :biggrin: Still MADLY in love with him :biggrin:
did you tell her or he at that point?

Fluent in Lies
12/10/06 19:42:26

lol. :p:

Well for me I felt it for a while but was reluctant to tell him because I've never been in love before and didn't want to get shot down or anything :frown:

Anyway I told him eventually. It took a lot of courage from me though as I'm not usually that confident. He didn't say it back but oh well, he said it a week later.:biggrin:
When we broke up :frown:
Reply 17
The moment was just right. A ray of light shone brilliantly into the room.

The brilliant green eyes sparkling, gem-like, and the perfect glow more evident than ever.

And at that moment I looked into those eyes, I whispered gently:

"I love you"

"Thanks", I said.
Reply 18
After a year of living with the pain of being apart.
It didn't take me long to realise... but it took a while longer to say anything :smile: