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It really depends on what you mean by 'nice'.
Reply 2
Easy. The next girl you like, just walk up to her and nut her good and proper. She'll be smitten and slightly concussed, therefore easier to violate.

Reply 3
Get a leather jacket, start shaving with a knife, and show how your mates you're "well 'ard" by removing beer bottle tops with the butt of the new lighter you bought since you took up smoking cigars. :smile:

.... seriously... don't try and change yourself.
I wish I was a nice guy.
Im mean, aggressive and tbh i'm a bit of a cock at times.

You get more friends being nice. The law of average says one of them will like you.

I assure you there is nothing desirable about being a miserable bastard.
Most girls like a guy who appears like a bad boy on the outside but a sweetheart on the inside. So don't change your nice ways. The right girl will come along. Any girl who turns you down becuase of your 'nice guy syndrome' isn't worth your time.
no do not change for the world. i love nice guys.
Reply 6
Ignore most of this advice; work on your "bad boy" image and remain nice deep down, that's how you score.
Reply 7
More indiscriminate groping needed.
Nooooo! Don't change your ways, it'd be a mistake!

Besides, nice guys are the best (and usually the cutest)! :p:
honestly? 'Nice guy' syndrome is killer. I should know, I'm one of those girls that can't help but fall for the bad guy. BUT... that doesn't mean you should change who you are because you're not getting the girls. The only advice I can give you is - don't be a walkover. Be yourself, but make sure people don't take advantage, in relationships, at work... whatever. Remember, when the bad guy breaks the girls heart, you'll be there with a nice shoulder to cry on. You'll get the girl eventually. The girls have just got some growing up to do is all :tongue:
I think you should just stay nice, but be confident. Be nonchalant and act as if you don't care whether you get the girl or not. For some reason girls like you more if you flirt a bit then back off as if you're not interested, than if you contine to move to them.

If you wanna be mean take the piss out of annoying people if you like but I think that will turn the nice girls away. Don't be a ******** for the sake of it.

Remember, when the bad guy breaks the girls heart, you'll be there with a nice shoulder to cry on. You'll get the girl eventually.

Lol yeah right. You'll just be the 'friend' - disastrous if you actually like the girl.

Being a successful bad guy means seeming bad but actually being nice underneath.
Hmm, be a bad guy and get sex with lots of women. Be a nice guy and get sex with only a few women. Hmm, sex with a few women, sex with lots of women. Sex with a few women, sex with lots of women. Hmm tough choice.

Basically, because women either truly don't know what they want, or just lie through their back teeth to confuse guys out of some evil machinations that we'll never work out :biggrin: be a right bastard for as long as you want (that way you'll get loads of sex) and then, when you decide you want a serious relationship, with the possibility or settling down, marriage, kids, mortgage, that sort of thing, then resort back to your nice guy way.

Basically, never ask for advice about women from women. They'll never tell you the truth. But I've worked it out. Until about puberty to their early thirties, women want a right bastard who'll throw them around in bed and give them hot passionate sex. Then, their biological clocks go off and they suddenly become desperate and start looking for nice guys to have babies and marriage and mortgages with.
I want to get out of the 'nice guy' syndrome. Does anyone have any thoughts on some things I could try to make me less 'nice' and perhaps more attractive. Too many relationships have been broken due to just being 2 nice. Ideas?

you're an idiot.
Where the hell do people get the misconception that being an arsehole is attractive?
I think what you mean is that you want to be less "Spineless".

There's a difference between being nice and being at somebodies every beck and call, catering to them and their whims.
Reply 14
You needn't change the 'inside' of you to rid yourself of the dreaded nice guy syndrome. Just don't be a total woose-bag and don't be supplicative, flower girls with compliments or place them on a pedestal. Just act cool and laid back and ultimately develop your game.
Another point, don't fall into the "Friend zone". By all means, be friends BUT make sure that you place a trail of breadcrumbs by flirting and being occasionally suggestive (Please be confident about it though, nothing worse than pervy comments coming from a nervous person).
Its a subtle difference between being nice in an attractive way and in a friends way. The way to do it is from the very begining if you fancy her dont treat her like a friend, talk to her and treat her like a potential date and be confident in everything you say. Dont always be there available as well, be busy seeing other people and doing your own thing. I think its true what Dimez said,dont place them on a pedestal, and play it cool and confident whilst still being yourself 'cause theres nothing wrong with being nice.
Reply 17
you're best staying who you are. there are too many fags in this world, you say you're a nice person - great, keep it and you'll have a sucessfull life.
Reply 18
be yourself in relationships but dont let people walk all over you dude.
Reply 19
you're an idiot.
Where the hell do people get the misconception that being an arsehole is attractive?

honestly? 'Nice guy' syndrome is killer. I should know, I'm one of those girls that can't help but fall for the bad guy.

Do I win anything?