The Student Room Group

Share your chemistry revision notes with TSR Members

Why not share your revision notes with other members on TSR? The notes can be for GCSEs, A Levels or any other qualification.

We currently have loads of revision notes on the site but to make the resource even better we need to add loads more revision notes for every subject.

You can more details on how to add your revision notes here.


Here are links to revision notes from three different threads - most are Edexcel, though some are general and some AQA. If posting more revision notes, please say which exam board they are fopr. If anyone can help out saying which exam board the current ones are for, it would be much apprecitated - I'll then edit in the exam boards.


Module 1


Module 2

1.1 Enthalpy change -by RazMaTaz1

Reaction Rates - by RazMaTaz1

Catalysts - by RazMaTaz1

Organic Chemistry - by RazMaTaz1

Alkanes - by RazMaTaz1

Alkenes- by RazMaTaz1

Alcohols - by RazMaTaz1

]Halogenoalkanes - by RazMaTaz1

Organic notes - by doggydogfoot

Module 2 - by BlakDog

AQA Module 2 - by Sycren and Fointy

Organic Flow chart - by rohitkhannak

Organics mind map - by eldredevans


Module 3


Module 4

Updated organic reactions notes - by snmichaels

Period 3 - by mustard-man

Chemical equilibria - by mustard-man

Redox equilibria - by chupsie


Module 5




OCR Salters

2001-2005 past papers - by Insparato

2001 mark scheme - by Insparato




Practical help

AQA Practical document - by matthew.swallow
Contains: List of the experiment done since 2003, list of analysis done since 2003 with quick overview of what each involved, example plans for all possible plans they can ask us, predictions of what each part will be.

Edexcel Unit 3a views - by rohitkhannak


Other things
- help if you know if these should go in one of the other sections...

Scroll to see replies

hey blakdog, do you have any idea about how to study for chemistry units 2 and 3b all in one day???
Reply 3
hey blakdog, do you have any idea about how to study for chemistry units 2 and 3b all in one day???

Lol, i'd like to see it done. Work all day and night or find that watch thing that. that kid had on a tv program. The one that made you go so fast time seemed to slow down.
imo if you think you'll fail both concentrate on one and re-take the other. Its better to get a great grade and a bad grade than 2 acceptables (or worse).

Good luck with that. (Im in the same boat for bio except ive got 2 days :P)
thanks for all the notes! =)
has anyone got edexcel chemistry Unit 5 notes they could send me please?
Reply 6
Can Anyone PLz post some well Structured Notes For Unit topic 5.3 Mechanisms
5.4 Full And 5.5 Full PLz
Has anyone got edexcel chemistry notes particularly for Unit 4 and Unit 5? ppppllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!:frown:
Reply 8
Just started Chemistry A2 and I need notes too, I don't see how is gonna help, its only got coursework's not revision notes.:banghead:
Reply 9

Is pretty good for edexcel syllabus. :cool:
Updated the first post in this thread to inlcude more links.

If anyone has any revision notes they wish to add to this thread, then please post here/add an attachment and I will add them to the list - I'm sure lots of you might have come up with great revision notes for your recent exams - so why not share them for people to use next year?

Alos, any notes already on the forum I've missed - please post links to them here too for me.

Thank you :biggrin:
Do you have loads of chemistry revision notes you typed for your exams this summer? Are they now just lying around on your computer not doing much? Then why not add your notes to TSR Wiki Revision Notes section to help other people?

Revision notes can be a valuable tool in exam preparation. Reading someone's notes can provide an insight to a topic from a different direction or simply provide a quick reference or summary when you urgently need to know something.

Already loads of our members post revision notes on the forums, but these easily get lost as the threads get old - on the Wiki the notes will stay in prominent positions in an organised way with everyone easily able to find them!

To add your notes either follow the instructions for uploading revision notes, or simply attach your files to this thread and a Wiki Support Team Member will add them for you. Please give as many details as you can about your notes - subject, level, modules, exam boards, specifications etc. Just make sure any notes you add are all your own work or you have permission off the owner to add them to TSR.

Together let's try and build an excellent revision note library on TSR!
Reply 12
any stuff, ocr specific???
Reply 13
do you have revision notes for OCR A2 Chemistry,please? thank you.
Reply 14
Your a genius!!
Anything like this for AQA AS Bio?
Your a genius!!
Anything like this for AQA AS Bio?

If your willing to pay the money i reccomend:

These are for Module1,2 and 3 respectively. Got me through AS Biology - really easy to memorise within 2/3 weeks, didn't even have to pay attention in lessons - completely worth the money. These are for specification B by the way, you can find similar ones though for specification A. Hope this helps....
hi, i want to know about a chemistry revision day for module 4 a level. SOme of my friends are going on it through their tutors and said i can go too, but i need to know mor information. so if anyone knows about an A-Level Chemistry Module 4 Revision Day in December (14th or 15th?) in the North-West (Manchester?). thanks
Reply 17
Wow! I didn't know I was on here with my OCR notes on Chains and Rings. However some people did say there were some mistakes or something, but anyone who is studying this module can actually use the idea and make a better one by hand or using software.

P.S. Just found there is another thread for websites, so I'll post them there, but hopefully this spider diagram will help some people to revise. Good luck! :smile:
Thanks for all the notes, i really appreciate it!
how do you attach? i have a ppt on a carbohydrates brainstorm for edexcel unit 1. its really very good, the only time i revised it so well!