The Student Room Group
It is usually serious, especially if your chest or throat feels raw.

You should see your Doctor tomorrow :smile:
Reply 2
Well no not really, because your nose can occasionally bleed, and after all your phlehm is your snot from your nose, so some blood can be in the phlegm, so i wouldn't worry. But if your coughing blood, i would go to the doctors. If your unsure go anyway.
Reply 3
Did you watch Spooks on Tuesday night? Because if so - great timing with the bloody phlegm my friend. Get yourself down to the hospital asap. It's unlikely you have E34, but now you're coughing up blood you're contagious.

If you didn't watch Spooks you will probably think I am a nutter:biggrin: . Even so, see your doctor.:smile:
I hope you've had a TB shot :s-smilie:

Go see a doctor. Better safe than sorry.

Get well soon :smile:
Well no not really, because your nose can occasionally bleed, and after all your phlehm is your snot from your nose, so some blood can be in the phlegm, so i wouldn't worry. But if your coughing blood, i would go to the doctors. If your unsure go anyway.
Sounds more like he is coughing it up to be honest, he's probably [hopefully] just coughed his throat raw and so it's bleeding, but it could be something more serious.
Reply 6
Is it in your sputum or your saliva?
What colour is your sputum?
Is the blood mixed with your sputum or on the outside?
Do you have a temperature?
Do you suffer from nosebleeds?
Do you suffer from bleeding gums?

So much **** in this thread;
If you're bringing blood up in your sputum a sore throat is good!
E34 is rubbish, all the good bactaria are contagious long before they're symptomatic.
'Phlegm' does not come just (or even mostly) from the nose.
I've got the flu and today I was coughing and spat my phlegm into the bin and there was some blood in it, is it something serious because I dont want to make an appointment with the doctor if its nothing to be concerned about.

This could be a matter of life or death. Go and see the docotor first thing tomorrow.
Reply 8
I found some blood in my phlegm today and thought nothing of it, hope there is nothing to it :frown:
Reply 9
Did you watch Spooks on Tuesday night? Because if so - great timing with the bloody phlegm my friend. Get yourself down to the hospital asap. It's unlikely you have E34, but now you're coughing up blood you're contagious.

If you didn't watch Spooks you will probably think I am a nutter:biggrin: . Even so, see your doctor.:smile:

Yeh i watch spooks one of the best shows on TV, funny when i saw the blood i didnt think of spooks

Is it in your sputum or your saliva?
What colour is your sputum?
Is the blood mixed with your sputum or on the outside?
Do you have a temperature?
Do you suffer from nosebleeds?
Do you suffer from bleeding gums?

So much **** in this thread;
If you're bringing blood up in your sputum a sore throat is good!
E34 is rubbish, all the good bactaria are contagious long before they're symptomatic.
'Phlegm' does not come just (or even mostly) from the nose.

Id rather not describe the colour of my phlegm but blood was mixed with it from what i could see
Slight temperature yes
Never had a nosebleed
Don't suffer from bleeding gums either
Reply 10
umm that used to happen to me...went to see the dr, he said i had a minor infection...? myt b wrth goin 2 the dr but shudnt b 2 worried
Reply 11
Id rather not describe the colour of my phlegm but blood was mixed with it from what i could see
You'll have to tell your GP then, ring tomorrow ask for an emergency appointment. Probably nothing though but I would want a good listen and a sputum sample before saying so.

Clear, green, brown, rust or black - it's not really that difficult is it?
Reply 12
Is it in your sputum or your saliva?

'Phlegm' does not come just (or even mostly) from the nose.

I thought it was mostly from the nose, cheers for that doctor to-be. :smile:
Sounds more like he is coughing it up to be honest, he's probably [hopefully] just coughed his throat raw and so it's bleeding, but it could be something more serious.

that would be my first thought as well, too much coughing hes torn the lining.

And what is with the bleeding threads tonight, is everyone just falling apart
Reply 14
Ah but Wednesdays are the worst for oesophogeal bleeding.
It's Wednesday?? :eek:
Reply 16
Bit early still, the football boys don't start vomiting for another half hour or so and it'll be a good hour after that before any of them does enough damage to get a Mallory-Weiss.
Reply 17
I have the same thing - blood coming when I blow my nose or cough but then I think thats due to taking drugs rather than being genuinely ill. But then again I don't know why the coughing thing would produce blood due to drugs because its not like I'm snorting things through my throat.

Oh well. Have you heard the 'thin and light you're alright, dark and thick you're really sick' saying? Its actually about bulimia but I guess you could go by that.
Reply 18
An increase in preesure within the airways/abdomen through such things as excessive vomiting, coughing and sneezing can cause a small tear in the lining of your tubes...this as Renal said is called a Mallory-Weiss tear and is a normal reaction when ur body is stressed though the things i havementioned above. If it persists or gets "frank" i.e. a lot more blood you should go to the doctors.
Original post by Mos Def

Original post by Mos Def
Well no not really, because your nose can occasionally bleed, and after all your phlehm is your snot from your nose, so some blood can be in the phlegm, so i wouldn't worry. But if your coughing blood, i would go to the doctors. If your unsure go anyway.

just want to mention that once i read your reply i had to stop reading the rest. this is a very common misconception. the mucus in your nose and phlem you cough up all come from your stomach. which every few weeks coats your digestive tract with a new layer. not all at once of course, you would drown yourself. but the reason you get blood in your phlem is usually from the stomach throat or lungs.,