The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Do you know how cosx is transformed if we have acosx , for some constant a? How about if we have cos(x-a)? Do you know how that will change the shape/position of the cosx graph?
Reply 2
Yeah, the a is the factor it stretches by, and cos(x-a), means it shifts a units to the right...

so im guessing it stretches by 4rt10 and shifts to the left by 18.43 :s-smilie:
Reply 3
Yeah, the a is the factor it stretches by, and cos(x-a), means it shifts a units to the right...

so im guessing it stretches by 4rt10 and shifts to the left by 18.43 :s-smilie:

The minimum value for cos and sin is -1. [max value is 1]

In this case all you need to do is equate 4rt10 cos (x + 18.43) to -4rt10 and find the value of x.

Thats all :biggrin:.
The minimum value of cos is -1, so the minimum value of 4rt10 cos (x + 18.43) is -4rt10.

So solve for x: 410=410cos(x+18.43)-4\sqrt 10 = 4 \sqrt 10 \cos (x + 18.43)
Reply 5
ohh i get it, were looking at the graph, and obviously the lowest value will be the dip which is normally -1, but is now -4rt10.

+rep to you lot :smile:
But I don't understand why you would use -4sqrt10 in the place of -1. is it just the value of +-R which is used to make the minimum