As the title says, can anyone think of anything interesting and maths-related I could bring up in a maths interview at Cambs? Needs to be something tough, well above A-level... I'm kinda annoyed, I had a really good topic but it was in the middle of my work experience and by the time I had a chance to write it down it had slipped my mind - argg! :[
n.b. for all you worriers out there, no I haven't already been given a maths interview date at cambridge, and I don't mean to be presumptuous and assume I'll get one either - I just don't want to sit on my arse doing nothing =/
Russel's Paradox is new to me, thanks! Just the kindof thing i'm looking for...
Things like differentiation are interesting, naturally, but I was looking to read up on some more obscure maths, something they wouldn't expect you to know about already - Russel's paradox is a great example (Cheers Siddhartha!), any more ideas anyone?
As I mentioned on NRICH, perhaps go beyond the realms of the A-level syllabus. Olympiad work would be fun to talk about if you got into the swing of that .
if you know who you are going to be interviewed by you could just look on his website and see what his interests are and quote them in the interview . . . a surefire winner
As the title says, can anyone think of anything interesting and maths-related I could bring up in a maths interview at Cambs?To be honest, I think it very unlikely you'll get a chance to "bring anything up" in a maths interview yourself. You might get 2 minutes of idle chatter, but then they'll start asking you to do maths problems.
If you know who you are going to be interviewed by you could just look on his website and see what his interests are and quote them in the interview . . . a surefire winner
Just in case anyone takes this seriously, I can't think of a worse plan myself. It will be blatantly obvious that you're bluffing / lying.
My thoughts exactly [= anything you found particularly interesting?
I'm personally interested in analysis as a non-olympiad area; if you were directing the question to what I like in olympiad work - well, I have a soft spot for algebra and number theory. Came across a really nice question the other day that I ended up solving using a Pell Equation, I'll see if I can dig it out for you .
I'm personally interested in analysis as a non-olympiad area; if you were directing the question to what I like in olympiad work - well, I have a soft spot for algebra and number theory. Came across a really nice question the other day that I ended up solving using a Pell Equation, I'll see if I can dig it out for you .