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Pharmacy vs Dentistry

Pharmacy vs dentistry..
In terms of working opportunities, which of these will have a higher demand in 10 years?

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Reply 1
Pharmacy probably, teeth will be teeth...
Reply 2
I disagree^

People will always have teeth (I hope), so Dentists will always be required..
Reply 3
this is a silly arguement. what are you trying to prove? everyone has teeth and the demand for dentists will stay the same, about 3/4 of the earths population is /was on drugs at some point, and will be on drugs in the future. this doesnt really prove anything? because end of the day its not about supply but rather demand. take physio's for example, there is a need for them and a good supply of them, but the NHS cant afford to hire alot, therefore there arnt many career opportunities for them.
Reply 4
calm down tabarak :smile:
Reply 5
lol not angry at all, jus tryna make a point :biggrin:
Agree it is a stupid question. Do the one you enjoy, if either.
Reply 7
what a stupid question
i'll try and give an answer as best i can- in terms of working opportunities in 10yrs i think dentistry would be better, and that is one of the reasons i picked it. Pharmacy is dominated by businesses such as boots, superdrugs etc and your pharmaceutical companies so although you will have plenty of opportunities with them, its not ideal.
with dentistry you are guaranteed a job pretty much and the opportunities are much better as you are self employed and are in control of what you want to do and not dominated by a large company.
i'll try and give an answer as best i can- in terms of working opportunities in 10yrs i think dentistry would be better, and that is one of the reasons i picked it. Pharmacy is dominated by businesses such as boots, superdrugs etc and your pharmaceutical companies so although you will have plenty of opportunities with them, its not ideal.
with dentistry you are guaranteed a job pretty much and the opportunities are much better as you are self employed and are in control of what you want to do and not dominated by a large company.

Pharmacy has the highest employment rate out of the health professions.
If you haven't realised, you can actually be self employed too either as a locum or buying your own pharmacy.

I think anyone woulod agree that drugs are more important than teeth.
Pharmacy has the highest employment rate out of the health professions.
If you haven't realised, you can actually be self employed too either as a locum or buying your own pharmacy.

I think anyone woulod agree that drugs are more important than teeth.

i am not denying that, i am saying that it is much harder to start up your own pharmacy business than it is to start a dentistry one, no-one has heard in the news about a shortage of pharmacists have they??? lol. i don't know about the whole locum thing, i suppose that is quite risky as you are only employed when you are needed to, so nothing is guaranteed.
And yes, drugs are more important than teeth, but i get no satisfaction from loading someone with drugs.
erm I haven't exactly heard a shortage of dentists either.

It's actually easier to own your own pharmacy in comparison to a surgery.

Drugs cure the body so how is not giving some one drugs not satisfactory?

In all truth, I wouldn't get much satisfaction of sitting down counting tooth.
erm I haven't exactly heard a shortage of dentists either.

It's actually easier to own your own pharmacy in comparison to a surgery.

Drugs cure the body so how is not giving some one drugs not satisfactory?

In all truth, I wouldn't get much satisfaction of sitting down counting tooth.

if you havent heard of a shortage of dentists you are actually the most ignorant person i know. up north i have heard countless times about queues that have lasted hours because a new dental practice opened.

i simply googled shortage of dentists and here you are in jan2008:

owning a pharmacy is easier yes once its established but like i said before, if there is a boots or superdrug down the road you are pretty much done for.

drugs cure the body yes, but pharmacists are following the doctors prescription, they are not prescribing the drugs themselves which is why i dont find working in a pharmacy satisfying. i was so bored when i was working there for 1yr. The biggest challenge a pharmacist can get is a mother going to them and saying their child has a fever of some sort and they would recommend them calpol, or a diabetic would complain of a cough and you would give them robitussin (sugar free cough medicine), as far as challenges go and the freedom a pharmacist has to give drugs, that is as far as it can go, most prescription medications such as antibiotics can only be given under a prescription given by either a doctor, or, wait for it, a DENTIST!!!

and first of all, its teeth, not tooth, if it was tooth i wouldn't bother counting it because there is only one there! and we do a lot more than count teeth. we have the ability to improve patients self-esteem. i had a patient who had her front teeth extracted and had a gap there. she was so low on self-esteem and confidence and would never smile or speak loudly because if she did it would show that. i made her some dentures and the next time i saw her she was a different person.
that is satisfaction, the ability to change peoples lives. in a pharmacy the patients life has already been changed, the tests have been done, the decision has been made by the doctor to prescribe certain drugs and the pharmacist would literally get it out of the cupboard and send the patient on their way.
as far as challenges go and the freedom a pharmacist has to give drugs, that is as far as it can go, most prescription medications such as antibiotics can only be given under a prescription given by either a doctor, or, wait for it, a DENTIST!!!

Have you heard of pharmacist prescribers? Independent pharmacist prescribers can prescribe anything in the BNF (minus controlled drugs) on NHS prescriptions, where as dentists, when prescribing on the NHS, are limited to the dental formulary.
Have you heard of pharmacist prescribers? Independent pharmacist prescribers can prescribe anything in the BNF (minus controlled drugs) on NHS prescriptions, where as dentists, when prescribing on the NHS, are limited to the dental formulary.

No i haven't quite evidently. At that point the previous poster was basically accusing me of lying which again was why i was angry, and yes i do realise dentists can only prescribe whats in the dental formulary. However to have that sort of authority i am sure the pharmacist would have to undergo some sort of additional training?
No i haven't quite evidently. At that point the previous poster was basically accusing me of lying which again was why i was angry, and yes i do realise dentists can only prescribe whats in the dental formulary. However to have that sort of authority i am sure the pharmacist would have to undergo some sort of additional training?

Well now you do :smile: and yes they do have to do additional training. You and that poster don't get on well do you? Lol.
Well now you do :smile: and yes they do have to do additional training. You and that poster don't get on well do you? Lol.

Lol that poster tried to make pharmacy look good by bashing dentistry down which i wasn't too happy about and in my anger tried to make dentistry good by bashing pharmacy down which totally wrong and inexcusable.
you on the other hand educated me about pharmacy which is what he should have tried to do in the first place then none of this would have ever happened.
:smile: to be fair a lot of people don't understand what pharmacists do. I've learnt there's no point getting mad - just trying to explain and it's up to the person to form their opinion actually knowing something about it :smile:
if you havent heard of a shortage of dentists you are actually the most ignorant person i know. up north i have heard countless times about queues that have lasted hours because a new dental practice opened.

i simply googled shortage of dentists and here you are in jan2008:

owning a pharmacy is easier yes once its established but like i said before, if there is a boots or superdrug down the road you are pretty much done for.

drugs cure the body yes, but pharmacists are following the doctors prescription, they are not prescribing the drugs themselves which is why i dont find working in a pharmacy satisfying. i was so bored when i was working there for 1yr. The biggest challenge a pharmacist can get is a mother going to them and saying their child has a fever of some sort and they would recommend them calpol, or a diabetic would complain of a cough and you would give them robitussin (sugar free cough medicine), as far as challenges go and the freedom a pharmacist has to give drugs, that is as far as it can go, most prescription medications such as antibiotics can only be given under a prescription given by either a doctor, or, wait for it, a DENTIST!!!

and first of all, its teeth, not tooth, if it was tooth i wouldn't bother counting it because there is only one there! and we do a lot more than count teeth. we have the ability to improve patients self-esteem. i had a patient who had her front teeth extracted and had a gap there. she was so low on self-esteem and confidence and would never smile or speak loudly because if she did it would show that. i made her some dentures and the next time i saw her she was a different person.
that is satisfaction, the ability to change peoples lives. in a pharmacy the patients life has already been changed, the tests have been done, the decision has been made by the doctor to prescribe certain drugs and the pharmacist would literally get it out of the cupboard and send the patient on their way.

what do you think an independent prescriber is then?

By curing teeth you don't save peoples lives, by curing health you do. Doctors make countless mistakes we are there to save their arses.

If your profession is so fulfilling then why do you have the highest suicidal rate?
Reply 19
what do you think an independent prescriber is then?

By curing teeth you don't save peoples lives, by curing health you do. Doctors make countless mistakes we are there to save their arses.

If your profession is so fulfilling then why do you have the highest suicidal rate?

But 'curing teeth' is not all we do. You've got to understand that even though it might seem like it.

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