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How much does the braces procedure cost with a private orthodontist or on the NHS?


I need braces but already had the procedure done on the NHS but was 3/4 the way through the treatment but a slight misunderstanding occurred between me and the orthodontist and so the orthodontist stopped the whole treatment altogether and demanded a £1000! :frown: which I don't have!

So, now I have to search for a private orthodontist who will provide this treatment for a cheaper price! Is NHS treatment available for me with another orthodontist?

Any help will be much appreciated! :frown: :confused:

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Reply 1
Its free on the NHS but im not sure how much it is privately
Reply 2
If you go to another orthodontist (sorry if i spelt it wrong) then they will take photographs etc, and if they think it's justible they will do it again on the NHS but if you're teeth are reasonably straight and you want them to just look 'perfect' then they won't do it on the NHS. I think it costs about between £1,000-£3,000 but don't hold me to that. I know it's in the thousands though, it might also depend if you're under 16 or 18 though.
Reply 3
I'm 16! My upper front teeth is is still forward than my bottom teeth!
But it still depends on the other orthodontist whether they think I should have the treatment done on the NHS which just adds to the dilemma which is precisely what you are saying!

My parents cannot afford this option of paying for private treatment. :frown:
Reply 4
I'm 16! My upper front teeth is is still forward than my bottom teeth!

My teeth are like that but I don't need a brace my top jaw is ever so slightly bigger than the bottom. The orthodontist can't fix that if that's case.

What misunderstanding did you and the orthodontist have? It's VERY unusual for them to withdraw treatment for a child. Are you perhaps from another country originally which could cause confusion about if you qualify for NHS treatment for free?
Reply 5
If you're teeth..are in the politest way possible wonky or whatever then it should be done on the NHS regardless wether you've had braces before or not, i know people that have had it done twice on the NHS and it was there own fault they needed them in the second place because they didn't wear those gum shield things at night so i think your case is more justible than theirs was!!
Reply 6
I have already been referred to another orthodontist who wants to the whole procedure again but the orthodontist kept referring to my previous treatment saying it won't work as if my previous didn't work out then another would not work either. I didn't tell this orthodontist about the misunderstanding with the previous one as my elder brother also goes to the same orthodontist.
Reply 7
If you don't tell him the history how is going to know how to progress?

When I go to the doctors I always divulge any relevant medical history that's common sense. Go back and tell him about the misunderstanding. Then let him judge if you are eligible for treatment after this.

If your teeth need fixing and it's likely that doing the procedure again will be successful then the NHS will do it. If it's not going to work on you then there is no point in doing it and you can discuss other solutions or perhaps accept your teeth.
Reply 8
Basically I told him that I wasn't wearing the braces properly for a couple of months! :frown: as I went on holiday with my parents but couldn't find the braces in the suitcase anywhere! It was the truth but the orthodontist just suddenly stopped and said I didn't comply with him and so stopped the whole treatment unless I payed a thousand pounds! :s-smilie: :frown:
Reply 9
To an extent that is fair enough. If you cant commit to a course of treatment 110% why should tax payers have to pay for it? I know lots of people get treated despite being stupid (drug addicts, alcoholics) but this is a cosmetic treatment.

Explain to your new orthodontist that you made a big mistake and left your brace behind and then if this time you are actually going to commit 110% request more treatment. I have medicine that I don't HAVE to take, I can survive without it but I always do because I appreciate having it. I don't mean that harshly but you have to respect it's a priviledge to get free cosmetic medical treatments not a right.
Reply 10
Oh i see you wear those removeable ones?
well i personally think don't tell the new othodontist that you didn't wear your braces for a while because that has no signifcant effect on the progress of your teeth apart from the fact that you wern't wearing them so no progress could happen so i don't think it's relevant and wouldn't bother telling the new orthodontist
Reply 11
well i personally think don't tell the new othodontist that you didn't wear your braces for a while because that has no signifcant effect on the progress of your teeth apart from the fact that you wern't wearing them so no progress could happen so i don't think it's relevant and wouldn't bother telling the new orthodontist

Except he says his orthodontist thinks the treatment wont work when it didn't the first time for from what the orthodontist can see no apparent reason when in fact it didn't work because the OP didn't follow the right procedures. From the orthodontists point of view the treatment was followed and ineffective rather than being not followed which made it ineffective.
Reply 12
I hadn't read that bit about the orthodontist saying it wouldn't work, sorry.
The only thing i don't understand is...surely it wouldn't have worked if you didn't wear your braces? so maybe if that is the circumstance you need to tell your current orthodontist about not wearing them.
I think i have contradicted myself...oops! Hopefully you'll get what i mean though :smile:
Reply 13
I'm confused and in upset! All I want is the new orthodontist to continue the treatment but on the nhs.

I understand what you're saying ro-ro but humans do make mistakes! I did not purposely not wear the braces! I haven't told the new orthodontist about this but the new orthodontist thinks that the previous braces I had with the old orthodontist proved ineffective so another treatment won't help! (but it will do! should I tell the new one about this problem? or if I do he might not do continue the treatment but do the whole treatment for braces from scratch.) but I had received a letter if I wished to have another treatment I may do so but the new orthodontist is willing to start the whole procedure again meaning another two teeth extracted and the whole braces treatment starts from scratch.
Reply 14
I understand what you're saying ro-ro but humans do make mistakes! I did not purposely not wear the braces!

Everybody is human but you said you're 16. Take responsibility for your own mistakes. YOU are responsible for making sure YOU took YOUR brace on holiday WITH YOU. If you left at home, the swimming pool or your friend's house it is YOUR own fault. You may not have deliberately left it behind but it was your fault and you can't expect other people to pick up after your mistakes. Why should they provide you with another brace when you couldn't take responsibility for the first one? If I follow your argument I could say that I did not purposely crash my car (I didn't this is an example) but I deserve another one because humans make mistakes. Life doesn't work like that.

I haven't told the new orthodontist about this but the new orthodontist thinks that the previous braces I had with the old orthodontist proved ineffective so another treatment won't help!

OF COURSE HE THINKS IT WAS INEFFECTIVE! As far as he is concerned you completed the treatment course to the point where you met him and it didn't work. Therefore the treatment was the wrong one. In fact you didn't wear the brace properly that's why it didn't work. Regardless of whose fault it is if you don't wear it your teeth won't get better. He can't psychicly tell that you didn't wear it so unless you own up as far as he is concerned that treatment is a write off and you'll have to have your teeth taken out and stuff. If you can't own up that's what you'll end up with, less teeth.
Reply 15
ro-ro! yes but if i own up he might not do the 1/4 of the treatment

thats the problem

and thanks for putting me straight..its my fault and i wish i had a machine which i could travel back in the past :frown:
Reply 16
and also my braces dont fit and are broke from then on
Reply 17
Ok well as long as you're remorseful I'll stop telling you off :biggrin:

You have to tell the truth. Otherwise they'll start the treatment again. Just explain what happened, apologise and say your other orthodontist refused to treat you when he found out and you realised then the gravity of your mistake. If your braces dont fit and are broke maybe its cos your teeth grew or something. If you can live with your treatment starting again stay quiet otherwise own up.
Reply 18
hmm I don't want the whole treatment again but I will own up and tell the orthodontist, hopefully everything will work out!

No ya not telling me off, I am remorseful for what I've done, very very remorseful :frown:
No I was being selfish and what you said was the truth! :smile:
Reply 19
Good luck with your braces :smile:
Hope you get everything sorted!!

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