The Student Room Group
I've never heard of the two in connection with each other...
but I spose anything is possible!

If you can get headaches when you're worried then you can probably get toothache too.
Reply 2
I was thinking maybe my tooth is dodgy anyway so it would be more sensitive to the raised BP going through it as a result of me being anxious... sounds feasible I think anyway.
Reply 3
You can get pains associated with anxiety so this could be it. However, when was the last time you went to entist justto make sure you dont have any cavities?
Reply 4
You can get pains associated with anxiety so this could be it. However, when was the last time you went to entist justto make sure you dont have any cavities?

Now.... Cavities... I have a few. LOL!
Ah, toothache. I have been 'suffering' (stupidly) for around three months because I am so utterly terrified of the dentist. It's got to the point now though where I realise my teeth will end up horrible - and I am a lover of nice teeth - and where I'm also popping pills like there's no tomorrow, carrying around a hot water bottle pressed against my face and getting earache/headache from it.
Reply 6
Ah, toothache. I have been 'suffering' (stupidly) for around three months because I am so utterly terrified of the dentist. It's got to the point now though where I realise my teeth will end up horrible - and I am a lover of nice teeth - and where I'm also popping pills like there's no tomorrow, carrying around a hot water bottle pressed against my face and getting earache/headache from it.

I was like that about 2 months ago... finally had to go to the emergency dental hospital to get one ripped out and to be honest it was nowt... but the other one I need out there's only half left and I have a feeling it'll snap if they try ripping it out whic will end up with them cutting into me gum screwing things in and levering it out... painful afterwards I would imagine... so I think not!!!!!

Mine was so bad last time I was biting into nurofen capsules and squeezing the liquid onto me tooth which in all honesty made it better for 5 mins then a lot worse! lol
I was like that about 2 months ago... finally had to go to the emergency dental hospital to get one ripped out and to be honest it was nowt... but the other one I need out there's only half left and I have a feeling it'll snap if they try ripping it out whic will end up with them cutting into me gum screwing things in and levering it out... painful afterwards I would imagine... so I think not!!!!!

Mine was so bad last time I was biting into nurofen capsules and squeezing the liquid onto me tooth which in all honesty made it better for 5 mins then a lot worse! lol

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. I cringed at reading that and now - even though I know I don't need any teeth removed - I am dreading going to the dentist sometime this week. The only thing that's keeping me sane at the moment is the fact my Dad and one of my lecturer's go to the same dentist, they both hate the dentist as much as I do, yet they've said he is some kinda miracle worker; fingers crossed I think the same thing afterwards.

Also, I have learnt from your mistake. LOL.
Reply 8
I'm in agony at the mo.... that tooth has to come out soon... but I really hate going!!!!

And ths one aint guna be easy to rip out i jst know it.

Cloves are supposed to be good aint they?