"Not wanting you to go on nights out"
Calls it controlling when your SO doesn't want you going out to get drunk with girls at a club.
Calls it controlling, yet you get angry if your SO goes out and does his own things with the boys.
"Not wanting you to see your friends"
Nobody in a relationship feels comfortable when you have friends of the opposite sex
You are friends with whores/sluts. Do you really think guys would worry so much if you were friends with the village nun?
"Telling you what clothes/ makeup/ products to wear"
Cloths and makeup speaks volumes of what you are trying to do.
Men don't like it when their women dress slutty or wear makeup, at it signals they want to make themselves look more attractive, but for who?
"Demanding you ‘check in’ when you’re out"
My boyfriend is so terrible because he worries about where I am and if I'm safe! So bad!
"Not allowing you to have privacy"
Don't tell me you haven't broken privacy with your boyfriend, you just do it behind his back, while he asks you directly.
Relationships are a two way street, you must be considerate of the other person and their feelings. OP is doing a perfect job of showing the world the problems with most modern women. Only caring about themselves and about how THEY feel. Then have the gull to call the men "controlling"....