The Student Room Group

Getting back with an ex?

Just wondering how many people here got back with an ex? Especially when they did the breaking up but then wanted you back?

I'm in a situation like this at the moment, and i'm 4 hours from home (at uni) and in the space of a week my ex broke up with me and now wants me back! So who's done it, and was it the right choice or do/did you regret it?

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Reply 1
i broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago after 2years togther- it was me who ended it but at first i was incredibly lonely and realy wanted him back. altho it still hurts sometimes i feel alot better now and i thnk tht breaking up was the right decision for us both. i think it is fine to get back with someone but be careful- is a week realy long enough for their feelings to have changed?i would advise waiting a little longer to see if he still wants you back in a few weeks or months.
Reply 2
or she...sorry!
Some of my friends got back with their ex's but unfortunatly soon after they had the same sort of problems and broke up again.
Reply 4
It can work sometimes. Really, it depends why you broke up in the first place, what's changed, why it would be different this time and why it would work this time.
Also, yeah, give it more than a week. But not too long.
Reply 5
I was with mine for 6 months 2 years ago then we split up because basically he was a sod. We got back together this year because he wanted me back and it lasted about 3 weeks. I thought he'd changed but i soon learned he hadnt changed at all.

You've gotta think why you split up with them in the first place.
Reply 6
But also people move on, change and then things can possibly work out for the better.
Reply 7
I broke up with my boyfriend because I liked somebody else and didn't think it was fair to be with him when I did (I liked them A LOT, and at that stage I didn't love my boyfriend). I then didn't like the other person any more, and missed my ex so much. I explained, and he was good enough to take me back. That was over a year ago, and we are still together :smile:

I think it can work, if the reason that you broke up is no longer a factor. If it is...why would another try be any different? That's just my take anyway...
Reply 8
I'm going to see my ex after a while again soon, and I'm hoping to rekindle things as, after a string of relationships from the pair of us, we are now both single and flirting and whatever, so fingers crossed!!
Entirely depends on why you broke up and why you want to back together. If you broke up because you were not getting on/bored, but then get back together because you miss them/are lonely, it's just not going to work in the long-term.
I got back with an ex once. Big mistake. Was a collosal waste of time.
Reply 10
Never done it, but seen it happen loads. Usually it never works, because there were problems that led to the first break-up which never let the second time work. There's a reason/s why people break up, so unless the reason is resolved, getting back with an ex doesnt normally work out.
Reply 11
I think once you've broken up with someone, for a few weeks afterwards theres always a sense of regret and you want them back.
But i think that's mainly due to the lonleyness you experience, and the change of routine is a bit scary etc.

Yeah u gotta think why you broke up, and would it really work again.

It can work.

My younger sister went out with her bf for a few months, then they split up and 6 months later they got back together and they've been together for about 10 months now, still going strong :smile:

Reply 12
Got back with my bf after he cruelly dumped me over the phone then changed his mind a month later...stupid me took hime back and then decided after a month together his attitude towards me was crap since he thought he could do whatevs he wanted and i would stay with him. waste of time. Howevs it may work for you...just be careful and sure its what you want xXx
Reply 13
Tried it several times.
Doesnt work.

I choose to spend my money on nitrous oxide instead of girls these days. lol!
Reply 14
Nobody can say if it will or wont work for you.....
I've been out/ broken up with my ex 4 times now. We're currently on a 'split' but you never know what will happen next....
generally theres a reason u broke up and ive learned the hard way that the circumstances rarely change and the reason u broke up is still there. generally i would say its not a good idea and ull realise pretty quickly why u broke up! and then ur just drawing out the process and making the heartbreak longer and more painful
Reply 16
I would suggest if you are considering getting back with your ex that you put some serious thought in to why you broke up in the first place. Will it be any different next time round?

If you think that something genuinely has changed and you want to try again then go for it but i would suggest that you are very cautious
I took my ex back. Twice. It didn't work out though -- he's not the kind of person who learns from his mistakes, and he also knew how much I cared about him and used that to his advantage. He also behaved so monstrously towards me and the girl he left me for that I gave up on him in disgust.
Reply 18
it can work! i've just broken up with my girlfriend after goin out for about 9 months, and we went out for about 5 months the last time round,which was about 2 years ago! strange how these thigns happen...
Just wondering how many people here got back with an ex? Especially when they did the breaking up but then wanted you back?

I'm in a situation like this at the moment, and i'm 4 hours from home (at uni) and in the space of a week my ex broke up with me and now wants me back! So who's done it, and was it the right choice or do/did you regret it?

When my boyfriend broke up with me we were back together within two days, then i broke up with him and we were back together within another 4. I think the break up was a bit of a wake up call for both of us and made us realise how much we actually meant to each other.