The Student Room Group

Am I thick?

Sometimes people come out with some comments and words that I don't understand or about famous people that Ive never heard of, I just laugh pretending that I understand. Also I remember in high school being picked on because I was really really quiet, lads used to ask stupid questions like 'are you a virgin' or 'have you ever had a poo' and then laugh. I used to reply with honesty as I had not a clue what to say, sometimes I was sarcastic but they laughed eitherway. Also I speak really slow and soft so sound dumb.

Id like you to be honest but am I not intelligent? For GCSE's btw I didn't got any A's just B for english and science (which I revised hard for) C for maths and history, D for geography, graphics, french. A levels were C for psychology, D for sports and E for biology.

Just thought the above was important for people to be honest but what do you think? I won't be upset lol
Reply 1
Just because other people have a wider vocabulary than you does not make you a moron. :smile:
Reply 2
You can have all the stars in the sky next to your A grade and you still wont find "have you ever had a poo?" or "are you a virgin?" funny. That's not really humour, it's just childish immaturity.

Perhaps people often make cultural references that you're not accustomed with, but again that doesn't make you dumb. I'm sure you have certain interests too and if you made a joke reliant upon some knowledge in these special interests your friends wouldn't find it funny. It's just the way things are really.

Your academic profile doesn't make your 'thick' either, not at all. For what it's worth, in that short post you made you exuded an impression of maturity, sensibility and intelligence more than anything to the contrary ;yes;

I wouldn't worry about it :smile:

EDIT: Although, if you're really worried about your vocabulary then that's easily improved! Let me/us know if that's the case :yy:
No I don't think you're thick, I think people who put you down are bastards. Just because you're not a straight A student or you dont get every joke doesn't prove anything...
Reply 4
You can have all the stars in the sky next to your A grade and you still wont find "have you ever had a poo?" or "are you a virgin?" funny. That's not really humour, it's just childish immaturity.

Perhaps people often make cultural references that you're not accustomed with, but again that doesn't make you dumb. I'm sure you have certain interests too and if you made a joke reliant upon some knowledge in these special interests your friends wouldn't find it funny. It's just the way things are really.

Your academic profile doesn't make your 'thick' either, not at all. For what it's worth, in that short post you made you exuded an impression of maturity, sensibility and intelligence more than anything to the contrary ;yes;

I wouldn't worry about it :smile:

Thanks, about the 'have you had a poo' type comments lol im not worried that I didn't find them funny just that I didn't respond how a sensible person would respond. Instead of ignoring it I was daft enough to answer them making them laugh even more. I also asked my friends stupid questions like 'what does going out with someone' mean as when people said that such a boy was going out with such a girl I imagined them just literally going out lol, I was 13 before I figured out it meant bf/gf. Thanks though.