Sometimes people come out with some comments and words that I don't understand or about famous people that Ive never heard of, I just laugh pretending that I understand. Also I remember in high school being picked on because I was really really quiet, lads used to ask stupid questions like 'are you a virgin' or 'have you ever had a poo' and then laugh. I used to reply with honesty as I had not a clue what to say, sometimes I was sarcastic but they laughed eitherway. Also I speak really slow and soft so sound dumb.
Id like you to be honest but am I not intelligent? For GCSE's btw I didn't got any A's just B for english and science (which I revised hard for) C for maths and history, D for geography, graphics, french. A levels were C for psychology, D for sports and E for biology.
Just thought the above was important for people to be honest but what do you think? I won't be upset lol