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i got a 2:2 for my degree classification :(

I got my final results through yesterday, and found that i'll be graduating with a 2:2 degree. I feel awful, i read an article which said something like 'people who achieve a 2:2 were probably capable of a 2:1 but didn't put the effort in'. I was on track for a 2:1 I did everything a student who wanted a good degree would do. I feel confused cause I put so much effort into my exams and my coursework and my dissertation (which i am also disappointed with cause it only got 58%). I hardly did anything else other than work in the dissertation/exam season, and this is what i get to show for it.
I haven't told anyone yet, dreading telling my parents, cause their under the impression that anything other than a 1st or a 2:1 isn't gonna be good enough for jobs and employment, and tbh that is my feeling too.

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Original post by tgwktm
I got my final results through yesterday, and found that i'll be graduating with a 2:2 degree. I feel awful, i read an article which said something like 'people who achieve a 2:2 were probably capable of a 2:1 but didn't put the effort in'. I was on track for a 2:1 I did everything a student who wanted a good degree would do. I feel confused cause I put so much effort into my exams and my coursework and my dissertation (which i am also disappointed with cause it only got 58%). I hardly did anything else other than work in the dissertation/exam season, and this is what i get to show for it.
I haven't told anyone yet, dreading telling my parents, cause their under the impression that anything other than a 1st or a 2:1 isn't gonna be good enough for jobs and employment, and tbh that is my feeling too.

Was there a question here at all, or just a statement?
Reply 2
Original post by Reality Check
Was there a question here at all, or just a statement?

sorry, sort of just blurted this all out. I just don't know what i'm gonna do now. my question concerns whether anyone has been in this situation before? what happened to them? any advice?
Original post by tgwktm
sorry, sort of just blurted this all out. I just don't know what i'm gonna do now. my question concerns whether anyone has been in this situation before? what happened to them? any advice?

Assuming there's no extenuating circumstances or anything, you're stuck with it now. You're going to have a lot of people tell you that you can't really do anything with a 2ii, and most graduate schemes will not be open to you, but for all I know you might be a budding artist wanting to live on the Left Bank, and a grad scheme is actually anathema!

Having a 2ii isn't the end of the world, but it will make things more difficult for you You're going to need to look harder, further afield and 'add more value' to your applications etc, but with persistence you'll find something. Life hasn't ended :smile:
Original post by tgwktm
I got my final results through yesterday, and found that i'll be graduating with a 2:2 degree. I feel awful, i read an article which said something like 'people who achieve a 2:2 were probably capable of a 2:1 but didn't put the effort in'. I was on track for a 2:1 I did everything a student who wanted a good degree would do. I feel confused cause I put so much effort into my exams and my coursework and my dissertation (which i am also disappointed with cause it only got 58%). I hardly did anything else other than work in the dissertation/exam season, and this is what i get to show for it.
I haven't told anyone yet, dreading telling my parents, cause their under the impression that anything other than a 1st or a 2:1 isn't gonna be good enough for jobs and employment, and tbh that is my feeling too.

Don't worry. Pick yourself up and smile.

A degree doesn't define you,just because you've got a 2.2 doesn't mean you can't go on to achieve the things you want in life. It's all about the right focus and mentality what matters is that you tried your best so stop worrying and **** what other people say. You did what you could and that was it.

It doesn't make you any less intelligent :smile:
i am on track for a 3rd

how do u think i feel ?
Dont worry op, i think years from now you will realise it doesnt really matter. Imagine if ud have got a 3rd and try to be proud of the 2.2. After all its a pass and far from a fail isnt it.
Reply 7
thing is i can't even get a part time job atm. i spend all my time researching jobs, writing applications, i'm so tired and drained and i'm getting sick of it. what makes it worse, is my friends are posting pictures of them celebrating their 1st class degree and i know that they were the type of people in some cases that would leave a essay to 2 days before the deadline, and who got better results than me, who organised my time and planned and wrote essays weeks in advance.
I know people on here can't really say much to help, but it helps just saying this. i guess i'll have to tell someone in person eventually :frown:
Original post by tgwktm
I haven't told anyone yet, dreading telling my parents, cause their under the impression that anything other than a 1st or a 2:1 isn't gonna be good enough for jobs and employment, and tbh that is my feeling too.

At my last job we had several people with 2.2's, including the most intelligent guy in my team who is now a senior financial analyst for a very well known firm, and at age 25 earns more than most people can dream of. 3 people in our friendship group at uni all got a 2.2 and they were all in graduate level positions within a year.

Most graduate schemes will be closed to you, but who cares? Hardly anyone gets employed through one of those anyway.

You'll be fine, although I sympathise how low post graduate unemployment makes one feel. I've been there.
A 2:2 represents a healthy interest in other things.
lol that sucks
Original post by tgwktm
thing is i can't even get a part time job atm. i spend all my time researching jobs, writing applications, i'm so tired and drained and i'm getting sick of it. what makes it worse, is my friends are posting pictures of them celebrating their 1st class degree and i know that they were the type of people in some cases that would leave a essay to 2 days before the deadline, and who got better results than me, who organised my time and planned and wrote essays weeks in advance.
I know people on here can't really say much to help, but it helps just saying this. i guess i'll have to tell someone in person eventually :frown:

Don't compare yourself to others that will only make it worse for your mental state.

With jobs I recommend you try putting your CV on places like Indeed & Monster. I did that and I've got random phone calls for jobs and like you i was always applying tirelessly etc. Don't rush though, you need some time to rest. Congratulations of finishing your degree it's no easy get some rest and have a clear mind :tongue:

Trust me a degree doesn't mean ****, you as an individual have more potential than you even realise and this is coming from someone with an engineering degree. Sure some grad schemes or whatever may say 2.1/1st but does that mean you can't get a good job by other means? Absolutely not, I know some people who got 2.2s and went on to have amazing careers. They never gave up.
Congratulations on finishing your degree. I got a 2:2 in Comp Sci with Business Management, It hasn't held me back. I have been working for the past year and have now just been offered a place at University to do a PGCE in Primary Education, which is normally only offered to people with a 2:1. What I would say is don't let it hold you back. It may take you longer to get where you need to be but if you work hard you will get there. I held down a job at Tesco while I did my degree at the same time I was put on the management program. Not everyone is cut out to get a 2:1. Just find something that you really want to do and gain experience from it. Hope this helps !
Don't worry I got a 2:1 and have been a complete failure out of university.
Original post by tgwktm
I got my final results through yesterday, and found that i'll be graduating with a 2:2 degree. I feel awful, i read an article which said something like 'people who achieve a 2:2 were probably capable of a 2:1 but didn't put the effort in'. I was on track for a 2:1 I did everything a student who wanted a good degree would do. I feel confused cause I put so much effort into my exams and my coursework and my dissertation (which i am also disappointed with cause it only got 58%). I hardly did anything else other than work in the dissertation/exam season, and this is what i get to show for it.
I haven't told anyone yet, dreading telling my parents, cause their under the impression that anything other than a 1st or a 2:1 isn't gonna be good enough for jobs and employment, and tbh that is my feeling too.


I wouldn't feel too bad about this - a 2:2 is still a really good degree and you have passed!
I'd advise you to speak to student services at your University and see if there is anything they can do about this (e.g. retaking a module or retaking the whole year) - it is worth a try!
If this doesn't work, try to get some work experience - as this will help you to stand out to employers!

Hope this helps :smile:
So many people seem to have their head up their a*** about this whole 2:2 situ. Okay, it might not open up all opportunities instantly, but it will open doors; a hell of a lot more if you didn't go to uni. It is not the end of the world. It is NOT a useless degree. If it was useless, why are there success stories. If it was, why can you get into multiple masters programmes.Dissappointment is part of life. You didn't do as well as you hoped. But you are not the only one, trust me. Pick yourself up and do not let this number on a piece of paper define you. Decide on your next steps, and make it so that employers will want you with a 2:2, because you are so brilliant in every other way.I know 2 people with 2:2s who have gone on to have successful careers! One had done a masters, the other is doing one at UCL.Truth be told, a 1st doesn't guarantee a thing. I know a brilliant guy.. 1st class degree, decent experience.. he has been rejected by every single grad scheme he has applied to.. around 20, at the first stage or final. You feel like your life would be sorted with a higher grade and its just not true.I don't care what anyone says, with a solid subject, if you don't know anything, you will not pass. You take pride in that.And the people being horrible about a 2:2... well god forbid you don't perform as well in something in your life. I hope that when you feel alone and lost, you look for support and someone actually reminds you that theres more to life, and you have the strength to carry on.You have a degree my love, and it WILL open more doors than if you didn't have it. Don't let this depress you and make you feel less of yourself. You are in an elite minority for just completing uni. So smile. Smile that you did it! Smile that you're breathing. Smile that your journey is not over! And smile that whatever happens next, you will smash it. Because you are not a failure, that 2:2 was a blip.
(edited 7 years ago)
Original post by tgwktm
I got my final results through yesterday, and found that i'll be graduating with a 2:2 degree. I feel awful, i read an article which said something like 'people who achieve a 2:2 were probably capable of a 2:1 but didn't put the effort in'. I was on track for a 2:1 I did everything a student who wanted a good degree would do. I feel confused cause I put so much effort into my exams and my coursework and my dissertation (which i am also disappointed with cause it only got 58%). I hardly did anything else other than work in the dissertation/exam season, and this is what i get to show for it.
I haven't told anyone yet, dreading telling my parents, cause their under the impression that anything other than a 1st or a 2:1 isn't gonna be good enough for jobs and employment, and tbh that is my feeling too.

It is a big deal and I can understand your disappointment. Sometimes these things happen and eventually you are going to have to accept it and get on with things. It could take years or a few months, but that is down to you.

My advice is to be realistic into where it will get you.

What you need to do is look at your areas of interest and then get a job as entry level and not graduate level. Once you get into an organisation then work your way up. If you prove yourself to be good at your job then your degree class will matter less and less as each month goes by and you prove your worth.

In addition if you pick a career, then look at getting professional qualifications and that will offset the difficulties in a different way.

What you cant do is beat yourself up or give in. Its a set back, but if you are as good as you think then you prove it and dont lose track of living the life you want.

Get hold of a copy of what colour is your parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles. Ten speed press. It doesnt have to be the latest edition and you na pick it up for for a lot less than £5 on Amazon or ebay. It will teach you a lot of life lessons.
(edited 7 years ago)
Wasted your time at uni. The whole point is to get a 2:1 or higher. Being average/below average isn't enough these days. My cousin went through the same **** and is still in a rut. Sucks but I'm laying the smack down since other don't want to lol. Just do your best getting a job now.
First of all, congratulations for getting through uni! I am guessing that the degree wasn't easy and you worked the hardest that you could. Sometimes things can happen and as a lot of people have said grades don't define you. I understand how you feel, it can be upsetting seeing people that barely put any effort in getting 1sts! But you can end up doing so much better than someone who has graduated with a first. You just need to get your foot in the door in order to progress in your career. Sometimes it isn't about what classification you got, it's what experiences you have and what you can bring to a team. It's best to look at any grad schemes or jobs to get your foot into...the sky's the limit! Good luck :smile: