I'm a fresher in halls, and our 'hall' is like houses of 8 people with a shared kitchen and bathroom facilities.
At first i thought i was going to get along fine with most of them, although i would probably not say they were the kind of people i like to hang around with. They're very much into clubbing, dance music, bringing 'popular' guys back to the flat etc etc. Whilst this isnt me at all, i dont have a problem with people who are like that (i accept that its pretty much the norm!)
BUT a few nights i have had big problems with them. They come back at around 3am and bring into our house about 10 or so lads who i dont know. They then go in the kitchen (DIRECTLY above my room) and proceed to yell, shout, stamp and other really noisy things. The house is quite badly built and so this wakes me up as its so loud, and usually continues for a good couple of hours in which i cannot sleep.
Also, when the guys from other houses arrive or leave, they have to pass my door as its right near the front door, and for some reason they think its a good idea to bang on my door as LOUDLY as possible when entering or leaving my flat!!
I've spoken to my flatmates about this, and they have said things like 'oh we werent making that much noise' or 'we told them not to bang and they did it anyway' which i didnt really think were very good excuses.
But to top it off last night, when they came into my house, they went to the kitchen and i distinctivly heard one of the girls say 'everyone bang on the floor!!' which was followed by, unsuprisingly everyone banging really loudly on the floor. A guy up there then said 'is there someone below us?' and the girl responded with 'yeah, charly'.
I cant see what i've done to piss them off, all i've asked is they try to keep a little quieter by not banging on the floor and on my door at 3am, which i feel is reasonable?
What can i do? I've got essays to write now which count to my grade and i can't afford to lose sleep almost every night because of it, especially when it is clearly the fact they are now doing it on purpose?
The only thing i can think of is reporting it to the warden, but surely thats going to get me more hassle from them when they are in trouble for it?
Please help.... at the moment i want to move out, but i would have to pay the rest of my fees for the year AND however much my new place cost.....