The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hmm esters have a nice smell to them. or do you need a chemical test?

have a look at this website
Reply 2
I don't think there's a chemical test for identifying esters. As nehal26 mentioned, you could typically identify them through their distinctive odours. However, if all else fails, you could analyse them using chromatography or mass spectrometry.
Reply 3
it has a sweet smell n u can add ethanol to ethanoic acid to form an ester
Reply 4

this is what i found

The only straightforward reaction of esters is hydrolysis to their original acid and alcohol.

One method is to dissolve the suspected ester in a little ethanol and then add a few drops of KOH solution and a drop or two of phenolphthalein. The solution should now be pink (alkaline colour of phenolphthalein).

Now place the test tube and contents in a boiling water bath together with another tube containg all the reagents but not the suspected ester. See whether the indicator colour fades, comparing it with the 'blank'. The point is that the ester will hydrolyse and the acid produced will neutralise the KOH and turn the indicator to its colourless, acid form.
Reply 5
thanks guys !!

this is what i found

The only straightforward reaction of esters is hydrolysis to their original acid and alcohol.

One method is to dissolve the suspected ester in a little ethanol and then add a few drops of KOH solution and a drop or two of phenolphthalein. The solution should now be pink (alkaline colour of phenolphthalein).

Now place the test tube and contents in a boiling water bath together with another tube containg all the reagents but not the suspected ester. See whether the indicator colour fades, comparing it with the 'blank'. The point is that the ester will hydrolyse and the acid produced will neutralise the KOH and turn the indicator to its colourless, acid form.

This was really handy but do you by any chance remember where you found it out? I need to source all my info in my coursework. Thanks.
Reply 7
Zeisel test ??? x
Zeisel test ??? x

First I've heard of it - I looked it up seems okay but its a bit obscure.
Reply 9
Add NaOH and reflux.
Then add some 1M sulphuric acid, and if there's a precipitate, that identifies the presence of an ester.
Reply 10
try it, may be works not sure..
take two test tubes and in 1 test tube add suspected ester and in another add any other compound (except acid) , then add few drops of ethanol in both, and add two drops of koH in both. boil the contents and test with litmus paper paper . if paper turns red it means suspected one is ester.
Reply 11
Where did you get this info from? I need a reference for my work, so any link would be helpful :smile: