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Reply 1
Bath MMath 4 years
Conditions (IB): 766 at HL in Maths, Physics, Chemistry

(Other applications pending or acknowledged)

Have you got any offers yet Simba?
Reply 2
University: University of Warwick
Offer conditions: AAB (Inc. A grade for all C1-4 modules in Mathematics) + II/Merit at STEP/AEA

I think we should include which variety of Mathematics we're hoping to study as well!

This offer is for G103 - MMath, Master of Mathematics.
Reply 3
University of Leeds G100 planning to do MMath
Offer: Any of: AAA (inc. maths)
AA (from maths and further maths)
AB + step grade 3 or better (A in maths)

University of East Anglia G103 MMath
Offer: AAB (A in maths) or
AAC (A in maths and further maths)

When did you recieve your offer ahmed.pilot?
Reply 4
University: University of Bath
Offer conditions: AAB.

University: University of Warwick
Offer conditions: As in C1-C4. AAAA or AAB + Merit/2 in AEA/STEP (standard offer 1, basicly).

University: University College London
Offer conditions: AAA.

This thread will only really be useful for future applicants if we put our GCSE + AS grade as well as predictions. Mine can be found in my signature. I'm predicted 4 As.
Reply 5
Glasgow; Applied Maths and Economics

Nottingham, G100

AAB (A's in Maths and F Maths
Reply 7
University: Exeter, G102 MMath course.
400 points in 4 A-Levels including an A in maths.

What was wrong with a nice, simple offer. Had to go and complicate things :mad:
Thats like ABBC isn't it?

I wonder if they would have given you it if you weren't doing 4 a-levels.
Reply 9
Thats like ABBC isn't it?

I wonder if they would have given you it if you weren't doing 4 a-levels.

Yeah. I'm fairly confident of making it since I already have the A in maths and a really nice start on the A2 courses, even though I'm hoping I won't have to accept it; it just seems like a very convuluted offer, when something like "ABBB" could have been offered, and it just seems a bit pointless offering on 4 A-Levels, but, the Unis know best :P
Reply 10
Congratulations on your offers, everyone :smile: .

nota bene
Have you got any offers yet Simba?

Nope, no-one wants me so far it seems :p: ... Hopefully I will get one soon - I got mocked at school today for being pretty much the only person who has sent off their UCAS and hasn't received any offers (we just went back from half-term).
Nope, no-one wants me so far it seems :p: ... Hopefully I will get one soon - I got mocked at school today for being pretty much the only person who has sent off their UCAS and hasn't received any offers (we just went back from half-term).

Don't worry, they're probably just considering whether to give you an unconditional or not:wink:

That said I dislike when unis don't acknowledge applications...
Reply 12
nota bene
That said I dislike when unis don't acknowledge applications...

Ditto! Only 2 of mine havent acknowledged my application- and im not even slightly surprised by which 2!
Reply 13
nota bene
Don't worry, they're probably just considering whether to give you an unconditional or not:wink:

Haha, fingers crossed :p: ! *Goes off to check Track*...
Reply 14
Has anyone with any of the following uni choices had any offers, interviews or heard anything about their application:

Economics & Maths / Economics - Bristol
Maths with Economics / Maths / Maths with Finance - Southampton
MORSE / MMORSE / Maths & Stats - Warwick
Maths & Economics / BMS / Actuarial Science - LSE
Reply 15
Mathematics (G102)
ABB (A levels, A in maths)
University: Exeter, G102 MMath course.
400 points in 4 A-Levels including an A in maths.

What was wrong with a nice, simple offer. Had to go and complicate things :mad:

I got this offer too although for G100 (BSc Maths)

I think they do it this way because it allows flexibility if you get more than 1 A then you only need to get lower grades in the others (eg AACC)
Reply 17
Wow - some offers seem to have gone up this year.
I had AACa for Nottingham ( A in Maths and 'a' in FM AS)
and only needed BBB for Exeter for G100.
I'll update this one after the interview!
Reply 19
University: Bristol Mathamatics and Economics
Offer conditions: A A B
GCSE/AS-level grades: 4 A* 4As B A/S ABDD ( dont ask - miracle i got an offer from Bristol!)
Predicted grades: AABC

Leeds same course Abb offer
Southampton Maths with economics- interview type thing
Reading BBB