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Economics ABB offer ?


I noticed for Economics (L100) bristol say their standard offer is AAA-ABB. I was just wondering if people actually get offered ABB, as I am considering using this as one of my mid options. However if they typically offer AAA e.t.c then its not worth it for me. So just wondering if anyone has or knows of if people get given ABB Economics offers.

Thanks in advance.

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Reply 1
To zanejamal - in answer to your question, I guess it really depends a lot on your background, what subjects you're taking at A level etc. Do bear in mind though - that whilst AAA may seem like a long shot, the ability to resit modules makes no end of difference. I've found the Economics I'm doing so far (as part of my joint honours with politics) challenging, but really rewarding. So - don't worry about it too much - they'll make you an offer and you can consider it then. Don't let yourself going to university be guided solely by the grades you hope might be offered - apply and pick once you've seen places, and additionally see how you've done in Christmas modules if you're doing any. If Bristol want you - they'll make an offer I suspect based on trying to test you through A level. Sorry if this has been a bit rambling, but I hope it may be of use!
Reply 2
Bristol use there own grading system for admissions, taking into account predicted/ attainted grades (A2/AS/GCSE) persronal statment etc, so each one is given a mark with different weightings on their importance. Check there site.
I actually have a friend who last year got offered BBB for Economics, and then got BBC in the summer, and Bristol accepted her anyway! So it does happen, clearly.
Reply 4
I actually have a friend who last year got offered BBB for Economics, and then got BBC in the summer, and Bristol accepted her anyway! So it does happen, clearly.

OMG are you serious!!! i really wanna go bristol but im predicted ABB; but every1 is saying that even tho they asked for a range btw AAA-ABB that they only give offers to AAA students (for economics)?!
The friend in question was predicted BBB and still got an offer, if that helps. Good luck :smile:
Reply 6
wow. did he have amazing gcse's or ps?
His PS wasn't amazingly amazing - I mean it was good, but not anything out of the ordinary. And his GCSEs were all Bs and Cs.
Reply 8
dam what a lucky sod! I have aaa but in maths bio and chem, and applying post a level. I dont have any humanity subjects and my gcse's suck! (well 5a4b2c's). I have an alright PS and good reference, do you think i stand a chance?
I think the story I just told demonstrates that you have a chance. No one can say for sure who will get a place at any given university. Already having AAA must make your application strong, though.

I noticed for Economics (L100) bristol say their standard offer is AAA-ABB. I was just wondering if people actually get offered ABB, as I am considering using this as one of my mid options. However if they typically offer AAA e.t.c then its not worth it for me. So just wondering if anyone has or knows of if people get given ABB Economics offers.

Thanks in advance.

At most unis, single honours courses require 3As and since Bristol is so good for economics, id expect that. I just got an offer for joint honours in economics and politics which tends to be lower at other unis for 3As so id expect 3As. ABB is a long shot.
Reply 11
bristol gave me an AAA offer at first for pure econs, but changed it to unconditional later on. that was in the 07 admissions cycle though.
Reply 12
what were your gcse grades and was your ps amazing or average?
Reply 13
what were your gcse grades and was your ps amazing or average?

im from singapore so we take o lvls not gcses... they're supposed to be slightly harder than gcses but im not too sure about that :smile: i got 6a1's and 4a2's... i suppose a1 would be like a gcse a*?

haha my ps was average i think, i wouldnt say it was excellent.
Reply 14
dam ok your gcse's were amazing. Mine suck and I think that would prevent me getting an offer.
Reply 15
is it true that there are less then 20 spaces from econ anf finance @ bristol?
Reply 16
I actually have a friend who last year got offered BBB for Economics, and then got BBC in the summer, and Bristol accepted her anyway! So it does happen, clearly.

Hi, is your friend from a deprived/poor area or does he or she go to a very bad state school? I applied for economics at Bristol and Im from a poor area and a bad school, and I heard they give lower offers to students from state schools
Reply 17
I'm thinking of switching one my ABB uni choice to Bristol since I've noticed Bristol handing out ABB offers too, although I'm not entirely certain that they will do so in my case.

I'm not sure whether switching it to Bristol would be a wise move. But really, I would rather go to Bristol than my current ABB choice.

Is it worth the gamble?
Reply 18
I got offered AAB or ABB with an A in A level Maths - that's probably why :wink:
Reply 19
I just got an offer for economics at Bristol today and the conditions were

GCE A level
Grades AAB including
General Studies


Grades ABB
Grade A - Mathematics
General Studies