The Student Room Group


I didnt really know what else to name this thread lol but basically, Im ridiculous. Im a first year at uni and before I came here I would generally be described as nice, sensible, only been with 2 guys before, that type of thing. But since coming to uni I just dunno whats happened to me! Everytime I go out I end up pulling some random, even if im not that drunk! Its getting to the point where im even getting a bit of a reputation, and rumours are spreading, even though literally ive not gone further than kissing these randoms. whats wrong with me?! I always say to myself before I go out not to do anything but it never works.
Reply 1
Maybe you're just looking for a little bit of attention? It's easy to not kiss people though. Just don't do it. When you feel your lips moving towards theirs...just stop. Say to yourself...STOOOOPPPP!

It's not the worst thing anyones ever done though, so give yourself a break :smile:
Reply 2
Nothing wrong with you. Like most first years Id say.
Reply 3
well yeah, i wouldnt mind if it were only a few people...but literally i tried to make a list the other day of people ive pulled since coming to uni.....the number scared me, and its the reputation that i dont want. I do think to myself, stttttopppppp it, but it just doesnt work!
uni all about being totally ridiculous!! changing yourself, experimenting! i totally wouldnt worry about it; the fact that you are concerned shows what you're doing isn't really you and so its not a major issue.. kissing is totally fine and if you're getting a reputation because of just that then who knows what the people who actually sleep around must get? billboards with their name on perhapes? haha
neway, i say live for the moment and don't care what other people think of you! :smile:
Sounds like fun, just don't kiss anyone with Herpes

I like to ask before committing myself to a kiss.
As long as you aren't shagging around, I wouldn't worry too much.

You wont be the first person, and certainly wont be the last to go on a mad pulling spree when you get to uni.

If people are spreading rumours, they're probably jealous that they can't get anything!
It's probably just a bit of a first year phase. I went through a phase when I went out and pulled complete randomers but it wore off by the time I went into my second year.
As long as you aren't shagging around, I wouldn't worry too much.

Even if you were, I wouldn't worry too much. Worrying about what other people think is not a good way to decide what to do. If you like kissing randomers, which presumably you do if you keep doing it, then keep doing it, and screw what they think or what petty rumours people want to spread. Reputations are only a big deal if you give a ****. If more people stopped being afraid of being gossiped about and just did what they enjoyed, the world would be a happier place.

By the way, what you're doing is not at all unusual for a fresher. It's the new-found-freedom thing. University is all about experimenting and pushing limits and stuff, though you'll probably calm down a bit once the work pressure starts to crush your soul :smile: .
Reply 9
blah at everyone being hormone driven *****.
I didnt really know what else to name this thread lol but basically, Im ridiculous. Im a first year at uni and before I came here I would generally be described as nice, sensible, only been with 2 guys before, that type of thing. But since coming to uni I just dunno whats happened to me! Everytime I go out I end up pulling some random, even if im not that drunk! Its getting to the point where im even getting a bit of a reputation, and rumours are spreading, even though literally ive not gone further than kissing these randoms. whats wrong with me?! I always say to myself before I go out not to do anything but it never works.

The thing is if you were any guy you'd be raving on about it.
Do whatever makes you feel good.