The Student Room Group

really low self esteem

(please keep anon because the people involved use this site)

Basically, I used to be really really confident, really positive about life, until the end of the summer. I started taking a new sort of contraceptive pill which made me really depressed, and even though I'm off that pill now and I'm no longer depressed, I've completely lost all my self esteem. I can't seem to stop putting myself down, and it's ruining my relationship with my boyfriend and my family because no matter what they say, I can't seem to cheer myself up and become the confident person I once was. I can see how frustrating it is for them and it's pushing them away because I've become so low.

I just wondered if anyone knew how I could get my self confidence back up to the level it used to be - when I wasn't paranoid that my bf would leave me for someone else. Any replies are appreciated.
It's a difficult thing to do. Just try to believe in yourself, and learn to take compliments without thinking they are undeserved. Try to have fun doing the things you used to like doing and see if that reignites some of this confidence you've lost.
you need to go out not talking about nights out i mean out with friends maybe shopping, treat your self to wearing nice things or make yourself take the time to pamper yourself a your boyfriend supportive? all the best sweetie x
Your confidence won't come back too quickly. You will have to work on it. Some good suggestions about going out with friends and learning to enjoy yourself again. Maybe take up some new activity i.e sport or something. Slowly things will get better. Talk to someone about it and key is believing in yourself and that you will be that person again very soon. Hope it all works out.