The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Original post by imann
Hiiii guys, so I'm hoping to study Law at a Russell group university and am gonna spend the summer working on my EPQ but I have no idea what to do it on. Can you please give me some ideas. Thank you.

What aspect of law interests you? What aspect of studying law interests you? You could find you are interested in practical application of law ('how has the use of right to family life in immigration law changed since x ruling/case', 'how is modern technology affecting property law'), the future of law ('what legal implications does virtual reality have in criminal law', 'online intellectual property law', 'Brexit and immigration policy'), legal history ('why have people become less supportive of the death penalty', 'what did the Settlement Act mean for britain', 'when and why did defence lawyers become a court necessity?'), theoretical legal history. Even philosophical/moral questions: should we give asylum on the basis of life threatening poverty? Should drug addicts be treated purely in a medical setting? Should assisted suicide be legalised?

You can also divide by area. You don't have to just focus on law, but also effects and surrounding issues. I know most about immigration law due to personal experience. So I might ask - are LGBT women asylum seekers facing discrimination in the asylum process? For surrounding issues, I could ask : how can immigration court cases be seen quickly? Are détention centres safe?

Or care and family law : is there a bias against men in custody cases? Should civil unions continue to exist? How should domestic abuse effect child custody?

You might enjoy criminal law - and within that, other aspects, such as youth law and the criminal process. Does community service work? Hiw can youth institutions be made safer? Are there gender disparities in sentencing? Any issue connected to crime really.

You can talk about contemporary issues : effects/implications of Brexit (on everything from immigration to contract law), drug decriminalisation. You can look at other countries or do comparative analysis : why does America have jus soli citizenship? Why do countries have constitutions/how useful are they? What is 'shariah law'/how is it applied differently? How does Indian criminal law differ to colonial era law?
i am looking to write an EPQ on international law. do you have any ideas?