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Reply 1
if bham make me an offer *touch wood* then i would realli like to live in chelwood because its en-suite & self catering so was just wondering what past and present residents thort of it realli! x

I'm not really sure what the situation with chelwood is. Its mainly used as a conference facility for the uni and as far as I know, no students actually live there. Anyone know anything about it?
Reply 2
I live on the Vale and I don't have a clue what Chelwood is or where it is.
Reply 3
I live on the Vale and I don't have a clue what Chelwood is or where it is.

Enough said lol. Chelwood is purely for conferences now I think.
noooooooooo :mad: it has en-suites and is self catering!!! lol!
Reply 5
If you want self catered en-suite on the Vale, it's either Elgar or Mason Hall when it reopens next year. Chelwood isn't for students really, so I don't know why it's in the accommodation prospectus!
Reply 6
never heard of it..

On the brightside of things, Mason Hall will be the *THE* most expensive uni owned accommodation outside of London :smile:
oooooh! :p:
Reply 8
Mason Hall will be the *THE* most expensive uni owned accommodation outside of London :smile:

Wouldn't surprise me if it was the most expensive uni owned accommodation including London.
Reply 9
Wouldn't surprise me if it was the most expensive uni owned accommodation including London.

My friend who does civil engineering got taken to the Mason Hall building site yesterday with some others to have a look around and apparently there are going to be 'Studio Flats' on the top floor for those who can afford them lol. Also if you want a lakeside view from your window, you will be paying an extra £5 a week for the priviledge of seeing a few ducks.
Reply 10
My friend who does civil engineering got taken to the Mason Hall building site yesterday with some others to have a look around and apparently there are going to be 'Studio Flats' on the top floor for those who can afford them lol. Also if you want a lakeside view from your window, you will be paying an extra £5 a week for the priviledge of seeing a few ducks.

The studio flats are probably where the £8000 a year rumour came from. Why on earth would you want a studio flat?! The whole point of the Vale is the social aspect... HAS wanted to charge £5 a week extra but they weren't allowed. The place is sounding more like a hotel every week!
Reply 11
Yeah.. Maple is the best bang for the buck on the vale now :s-smilie: Elgar, Shakelton are expensive, Mason will be too, Aitken's not quite so nice and Tennis courts are a bit off..
Reply 12
I thoroughly recommend Maple Bank- there's a great atmosphere to it and it's incredibly friendly:smile: There's a bad vibe to Shackleton- I think anyway.
Wherever you go, you'll enjoy it.
Reply 13
Dunno, I spend some time at shack every now and then, I think it's better than Maple simply because the flats are bigger (hence more people etc). You just have to be lucky to not be with the stuck up ones.
Reply 14
Iv just got my offer from Bham =] and was wondering about accomodation, I'm not that fussy bout sharing bathroms/cooking for myself so was thinking tennis courts but what do you meen by 'they're a bit off'?

Where did you guys live and did you like it? Think its good to get students opinions on it rather than just pictures in a booklet... which are probably all posed and photoshopped anyways

Any info much appreciated xxx
Reply 15
Iv just got my offer from Bham =] and was wondering about accomodation, I'm not that fussy bout sharing bathroms/cooking for myself so was thinking tennis courts but what do you meen by 'they're a bit off'?

I think he means they're not on the Vale as such. TC is classed as part of the Vale village and it uses the Hub and all the facilities at Shackleton, but it's a 5 minute walk away across the road, as opposed to actually being set around the lake. That certainly doesn't mean that they're isolated, though - there always seems to be loads going on!

I live at Elgar Court and I love it :biggrin:. It's a lot smaller than the likes of Shackleton, Maple Bank and Tennis Courts, but that just means we know more people. It's all en-suite and the majority of us are self-catering, but there are a few meal plan flats. Compared with other sites, our rooms and kitchens seem to be quite big as well. Plus, Elgar have the best Resident's Association (although I'm sure Sam will disagree with me if he comes online any time soon!).
I live over on Prichatts Park which is all self-catered- and far closer to campus and train station- only a five minute walk, which is a bonus on hangover days, and for popping home for lunch, or to change if you play a sport rather than having to stay on campus. We also have our own bar & social centre which runs some great nights- this year we have 'mexican monday' (50p shots!) 'social tuesday' (pool contests etc) and 'pound a pint wednesday' (self explanatory, lol!). So it's a really good atmosphere!!
(edited 12 years ago)
Reply 17
Lived in TC last year - absolutely without a doubt the best in terms of the socal aspect!! However it all seems to have changed since and I have'nt really kept up with it, so I don't really know now....It's probably the least modern/refurbed compared to others on the Vale now (presuming Chamberlain's now out of action?) though.
Reply 18
my sister got the accomodation booklet through the other week and next year mason is cheaper then shakleton which supprised me - prob going to be be much better than shakleton 2.
Reply 19
my sister got the accomodation booklet through the other week and next year mason is cheaper then shakleton which supprised me - prob going to be be much better than shakleton 2.

How much is Mason going to be? I haven't seen the official figure yet.

I'm quite surprised at that, too, but it's probably because meal plan people at Mason will have to go to Shackleton, and Shack are paying for the 'privilege' of having the Hub downstairs.